
MedSurge: medical survey generator

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PhantoMedicus - Medical Survey Generator

Phantomedicus is an early stage framework for simulating patients and consultations. Two methods are currently supported:

  • Manually assigned probabilities
  • Data driven probabilities

Either of these methods can be run by changing a CLI: python main.py --bayes manual_probs is used to generate a simulator given manually designated probabilities, an example of which can be found in metadata.json, and python main.py --bayes data_driven_probs makes use of an already existing dataset to derive the probabilistic interdepencies between different base attributes, diseases, and symptoms. To create the environment run conda env create -f environment.yml.

Bayesian Network Structure

The graph dependencies can be broadly summarized as base features influencing the likelihood of certain diseases, which in turn influence a patient's symptoms. The approach for defining the structure and corresponding probabilities is outlined below.

Manual Probabilities

The metadata structure which is currently used is a dictionary of the following form:

metadata_dict = {
    "disease_list": considered_diseases,
    "symptom_list": considered_symptoms,
    "node_states": {
        "patient_attributes": base_features_state_dict,
        "diseases": disease_state_dict,
        "symptoms": symptom_state_dict,
    "patient_attribute_disease_probs": base_feature_disease_prob_dict,
    "disease_symptom_probs": disease_symptom_prob_dict,
    "doctors": doctors,
  • disease_list contains the list of diseases that you wish to include in your model, all prefixed by disease e.g. disease_pneumonia
  • symptom_list contains the list of symptoms that you wish to include in your model, all prefixed by symptom e.g. symptom_pneumonia
  • node_states contains descriptive features for the random variables (nodes) in the graph. Note that these vary between the patient attributes and symptoms/ diseases as we do not assign marginal probabilities to the symptoms/ diseases. For this we need to define a structure of probabilistic dependencies as outlined below. This has three subdictionaries:
    • patient_attributes - here we have 4 key-value pairs:
      • dtype i.e. the datatype, can be one of binary, categorical, or continuous
      • state_name i.e. the names the random variable may assume
      • vals i.e. the values assumed for each of the states (often just the state names themselves)
      • prob i.e. the probability of sampling any one of these states
    • diseases - here we have 2 key-value pairs
      • dtype as described above
      • state_name as described above
    • symptoms - here we also have 2 key-value pairs
      • dtype as described above
      • state_name as described above
  • patient_attribute_disease_probs - here, for each patient attribute we define a subdictionary. Each subdictionary will contain the diseases which are influenced by each patient attribute (i.e. edges in the Bayesian network), alongside the associated probabilities of the diseases due to each possible state of each given patient attribute. For instance if we have a patient attribute base_country for which 4 possible states i.e. countries are assigned, we may define the subdictionary corresponding the base_country as follows:
      "base_country": {
              "disease_urti": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_bronchiolitis": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_bronchitis": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04],
              "disease_pneumonia": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_asthma": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_tb": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_covid": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_malaria": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_dengue": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_diarrhea": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_ebola": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04], 
              "disease_severe": [0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04]
  • disease_symptom_probs is much the same as patient_attribute_disease_probs except we now define the associated probabilities of symptoms based on diseases.
  • doctors contains a subdictionary with the following fields:
    • doctor_types - list of the names associated with the doctor types and can be found in config.py
    • country contains a further subdictionary with all the countries you are simulating. For each country we assign a probability distribution of the doctor profiles, as well as doctor specific parameters for each doctor (serves to simulate differences in doctors across different regions)

A comprehensive example of the above can be found in metadata.json, which is a metadata file with manually assigned probabilities.

Data Driven

The data driven approach makes use of the same metadata structure as above, the only difference being that now the probabilities are derived from a dataset. The procedure can be found in generate_prob_dict.py. Note that if another dataset is used, it will require some modifications to pick the specific patient attributes/ diseases/ symptoms of interest.

Doctor Profiles for Consultations

The defined doctor profiles can be found in src/doctor.py. Note that the doctor profiles are used in main.py when simulating patients and conducting consultations.

Repository Structure

  • src/doctor.py contains the defined doctor profiles
  • src/patient_simulator.py contains the PatientSimulator class which defines the Bayesian network structure and aggregates the probabilities using the metadata described above
  • src/utils.py contains utility functions for manipulating patient data and for the doctor profiles
  • config.py contains some configuration parameters for the simulation and paths for reading/outputting data
  • generate_prob_dict.py - contains the code for generating the metadata based on the raw data
  • main.py contains the entire procedure for simulating batches of patients and their consultations and outputs the consultations in a pkl file