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Ardana Developer Tools

This repo contains all of the tools needed to develop for Ardana.

This is a developer environment that uses Vagrant to create a test environment and then runs the Ardana code to configure that test environment. All of the configuration is done through Ansible.

This document contains a getting-started guide for the Ardana developer environment. The remainder of the documentation related to Ardana is located in the top-level doc dir on this repo. Key documentation items are:

  • Developer workflow: When you have the environment up and running, this provides details on the general Ardana developer workflow for testing changes in different parts of the Ardana Openstack release.
  • Trouble-shooting: For known issues and workarounds.
  • Ardana Ansible Guide: A set of docs providing instructions on the writing of Ansible code for services, including a full description of the layout of a service Ansible repo.

Things to be aware of when getting started

To bring up a few important issues you should be aware of.

Vagrant version

The Ardana OpenStack CI infrastructure uses Vagrant 1.7.2; however in early 2017 HashiCorp stopped providing a Ruby Gems mirror at gems.hashicorp.com, and as a result Vagrant 1.7.2 is unable to build plugins anymore. However we can use Vagrant 1.7.4 to build compatible plugins and then downgrade to Vagrant 1.7.2 again. This is handled automatically by the dev-env-install.yml playbook.

NOTE: If you want to avoid this upgrade/downgrade of vagrant, you can set ARDANA_DEVELOPER=1 (or true) in your environment, and Vagrant 1.7.4 will be used. Additionally if you need to run a newer version of Vagrant on your system for other reasons you can additionally set ARDANA_VAGRANT_VERSION to the desired version in your environment. You may need to delete ~/.vagrant.d after doing so to ensure you plugins are built with the correct version of Vagrant.

For example


Ansible version

The Ardana OpenStack ansible playbooks, especially those in ardana/ardana-dev-tools.git, have not been updated to work with Ansible 2.x, and will only work with Ansible 1.9.

A utility, ardana-env, is provided in the ardana/ardana-dev-tools.git repo's bin directory, which will setup the runtime environment with an appropriate version of ansible installed in a persistent virtualenv under the ~/.cache-ardana area. To use it, eval the output of the command, as follows:

eval "$(ardana-dev-tools/bin/ardana-env)"

Alternatively if you want to do this manually, see the section on installing Ansible in a Python virtual environment in the Trouble-shooting for help getting around this limitation.

Run Ardana Stack

Before trying to run another cloud deployment, run the cleanup script located at bin/cleanup-slave. This will clean everything and allow it to rebuild the networks again. Warning that the cleanup-slave is quite destructive and if there are other vagrant libvirt VM's running on the system it will remove them all.

This script enables you to set up Ardana:

./bin/astack.sh dac-min

The cloud defaults to dac-min. You can specify the cloud configuration to be used as the last argument on the command line e.g. ./astack.sh std-min

Add the following parameters for more options:

--no-setup             (Don't run dev-env-install.yml)
--no-build             (Don't build venvs, reuse existing packages)
--no-config            (Don't automatically compile the cloud model and
                        prepare the scratch area after previsioning cloud;
                        implies --no-site)
--no-site              (Don't run the site.yml play after previsioning cloud)
--run-tests            (Run the tests against cloud after a successful test)
--tarball TARBALL      (Specify a prebuilt deployer tarball to use)
--ci                   (Sets the same options for running in the CI CDL lab)
--guest-images         (Builds and uploads guest images to glance)
--rhel                 (Builds RHEL artifacts for inclusion in product tarball)
--rhel-compute         (Configures compute nodes to be RHEL based)

Getting Started


Because the steps below require libvirt, you'll need to follow them on either real hardware, or in a VM that supports nested virtualization. If

grep 'vmx\|svm' /proc/cpuinfo

doesn't show your CPU flags, you're out of luck. Maybe try enabling virtualization (VXT) in your BIOS. NOTE: On HP Z640 Workstations, the CPU vmx flag will appear in /proc/cpuinfo even though VT-X is not enabled in the BIOS, so check that /dev/kvm exists or do an lscpu.

You'll want at least 42 GB RAM for a standard install.

Passwordless sudo

Several of the following commands require root privileges. To enable passwordless sudo, edit the sudoers file as follows:

sudo visudo

Add this line to the file:

<username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Proxies and VPN

If you require a proxy to reach the internet you should ensure that you have a proxy configured for both http and https, and that the https proxy does not itself use a secured connection.

For example, a typical proxy setup would be as follows:


Remote/Slow connection suggestions

If you are working remotely using a VPN connection, or in an office with a poor/unreliable connection to the specified ARDANA_SITE servers then you can increase the chances of successful building the sources by increasing the following timeouts via setting the relevant environment variables:

  1. ARDANA_VENV_PIP_TIMEOUT - default 60
  2. ARDANA_VENV_EXT_DL_TIMEOUT - default 60

Installing SUSE ROOT CA

Ensure that you have the SUSE ROOT CA installed as detailed at SUSE ROOT CA Installation

Installing Ansible

The first part of the setup is to install ansible as follows:

On openSUSE Leap 42.2:

sudo zypper in ansible

On Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04:

It is recommended to install Ansible in its own virtualenv.

  1. sudo apt-get install virtualenv build-essential python-dev python-all libpython2.7-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev
  2. mkdir ~/[your-venv-folder];
  3. virtualenv ~/[your-venv-folder]/ansible
  4. Activate the ansible venv with: . ~/[your-venv-folder]/ansible/bin/activate
  5. pip install -r ardana-dev-tools/requirements.txt

Local sites

If there is a local site defined with mirrors for Python and system packages then you can set the ARDANA_SITE environment variable to specify your local site. The default site is in Provo. Note that we do this automatically for all CI runs.

For example,

export ARDANA_SITE=provo

Steps to manually setup and verify the developer environment

The ansible directory contains all of the ansible code to setup and verify the developer environment. If you do not have password-less sudo setup for your user you will need to add --ask-sudo-pass to the ansible-playbook commands, or set ask_sudo_pass to True in your ansible configuration file (e.g. ~/.ansible.cfg or globally for all users in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg).

Now run the following commands:

cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost dev-env-install.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost image-build-setup.yml

At this point you should also check that you have rights to access libvirt as a normal user. The permissions should have been added as part of the install process, but you may need to log out then back in again.

You can check that your system is configured correctly and that you are a member of the necessary groups by running the following validation playbook:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost dev-env-validate.yml

Download the hLinux ISO

The hLinux ISO is required for running the build and cloud nodes. It contains the apt repositories we use for both building the venvs and deploying the cloud.

To the latest hLinux ISO in use, run the following on the command line:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost get-hlinux-iso.yml

This can take a while to run as the hLinux ISO is ~ 1.2 gigs in size. The temporary download file is in /tmp if you want to watch it grow. But if you rerun the command it will recognize when you have a cached version and it won't try and download it a second time.

Build a hLinux Vagrant Image

You will now be able to build a hlinux vagrant image for use in building venvs and booting the test infrastructure.

ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost image-build-vagrant-box.yml

By default the running of the ansible commands will result in ensuring that your cloned repositories are up to date with the correct branch - usually master. If you do not want it to update the repositories you can set the appropriate variables to False or no. This can be done on the command line as follows:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost image-build-vagrant-box.yml -e image_build_git_update=no

Create the Deployer Appliance

Now that we have a base disk image, we can build the customer deliverable Deployer Package. This will contain all of the Ardana ansible code and all of the required venvs for a Ardana deployment.

Boot Build VM

The next step is to set up the VM that's used to run package builds on. This VM can remain in place - it's possible to update a local copy of (say) nova, and update a single packaged venv, and by leaving the build machine booted (or more accurately by not destroying it) you can make use of the pre-built venvs when rebuilding.

Not setting the default vagrant provider, or setting it to libvirt, should use libvirt to create the virtual machines. Currently libvirt is the only supported provider.

cd ../build-vagrant
# to create virtual machines on the local system using libvirt
vagrant up

N.B. if you are using libvirt as the vagrant provider, be aware that the default dnsmasq setup for the created VMs uses the first item in your resolv.conf file as the "upstream" DNS server. To work around this, add any required internal servers to /etc/hosts on your workstation and restart dnsmasq. Those servers will now be resolvable from the created VMs.

Virtual Environment Builds

The process assumes that any services that you are actively developing are cloned at the same level as ardana-dev-tools. The system will pick up these repos and any changes in them. It is your responsibility to check out the commit that you want to test in these repos.

For all other services, the build system will clone the latest code for the services and use that.

For example, the following tree would mean that glance and nova repos on the local workstation are used and that all other services are cloned directly from git

$ ls ~/ardana
glance  ardana-dev-tools  nova

Now, the venvs can be built and packaged up using the build virtual machine.

ansible-playbook -i ../ansible/hosts/vagrant.py ../ansible/venv-build.yml

This process should result in packaged venvs being created in the ardana-dev-tools/scratch directory: these have names like nova-{version}.tgz. Those packages are used in the following steps. (For more details on this process, and additional options, see the longer notes.

If you are short of resources, you may choose to remove the build VM at this point :

vagrant destroy

Create the Virtual Cloud VMs

Once the above is completed you will be able to start the vagrant up process to initialise the virtual test infrastructure by creating a number of VMs which represent the physical servers in an Ardana OpenStack cloud.

The development environment provides a set of cloud definitions that can be used:

  • minimal: Cloud in a box

    A minimal single node cloud running a reduced number of services, disabling some of the Metering, Monitoring & Logging (MML) stack using a "hack"

  • deployerincloud: A 3 node cloud

    Cloud Control Plane (1 node: ha-proxy, Apache, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Keystone, Glance, Horizon, Nova, Neutron ) + 2 Compute Nodes, with deployer on controller node. Uses a simplified Swift ring model with EC disabled.

  • deployerincloud-lite: A 3 node cloud

    A cutdown version of deployerincloud using same "hack" as minimal to disable some of the MML stack.

  • standard: A 7 node single region cloud

    Cloud Control Plane (3 nodes: ha-proxy, Apache, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Keystone, Glance, Horizon, Nova, Neutron ) + 3 Compute Nodes + 1 Deployer. Uses a more complex Swift run model with EC enabled.

  • std-min: A 4 node single region cloud

    A cutdown version of standard cloud with 1 controller and 2 computes removed.

  • std-3cp: A 5 node single region cloud

    A cutdown version of standard cloud with 2 computes removed.

  • std-3cm: A 5 node single region cloud

    A cutdown version of standard cloud with 2 controllers removed, and simplified Swift ring model with EC disabled.

  • dac-min: A 2 node single region cloud

    A cutdown version of std-3cm with just 1 compute and deployer at controller (dac).

  • std-split: A 5 node single region multi-control plane cloud

    Based on the standard cloud with 2 compute removed, using 3 single node control planes, 1 for core openstack services, 1 for DB & RabbitMQ, and 1 for MML stack, though Swift services are shared among all 3 to allow for a complete Swift ring model with EC disabled. Control node sizing are minimised to match running service requirements.

  • mid-size: A multi-control plane, multi region cloud

  • multi-cp: A more complex multi-control plane multi-region cloud

WARNING : The std-split, mid-size & multi-cp models may not be stable/functional right now.

Each variant has its own vagrant definition, under the ardana-vagrant-models directory, and associated cloud model defined in the ardana-input-model repo, under the 2.0/ardana-ci directory.

For example to get vagrant to create the VMs needed for a standard cloud with default node distro setting use the following command:

cd ../ardana-vagrant-models/standard-vagrant
vagrant up

NOTE : vagrant up provisions all the nodes in your cloud. During the provisioning of the deployer node we create a tarball of all the ansible deployment code, and all the venvs we built earlier. The provisioning then copies this tarball to the deployer, unpacks it and calls the ardana-init.bash script. At which point the deployer is setup and ready to deploy a running cloud.

Setting up vagrant VM for Ardana

After the vagrant up you will have a number of booted VMs, and a booted and partially configured deployer VM, where the deployer tarball has been exploded and the initial pre-configure script has been run. This generates the ardana area, where the next set of ansible playbooks will be run from, and installs the ansible venv that will run those playbooks.

vagrant status
Current machine states:

ccn-0001                  running (libvirt)
ccn-0002                  running (libvirt)
ccn-0003                  running (libvirt)
cpn-0001                  running (libvirt)
cpn-0002                  running (libvirt)
cpn-0003                  running (libvirt)
deployer                  running (libvirt)

All of the administration from this point is done through the deployer VM.

Log in to the deployer node and then run commands to configure the system.

vagrant ssh deployer

Running the Configuration Processor and cloud models

The deployer is now populated with the directory structure that we intend to use for customers. The main directory is ardana/ under which there are 4 sub-directories: examples/; my_cloud/; tech-preview/; and openstack/. Example cloud definitions are included in /ardana/examples. The cloud to be built by CP run is defined in /openstack/my_cloud/definition (CP inputs, networking, servers, storage etc including Swift ring definitions and Nova zone definitions).

The inputs are held in the ardana-input-model repo which is now on the deployer. Working cloud definitions that we come up with will be held in 2.0/examples. The standard inputs are under 2.0/ardana-ci/standard. The service-specific CP inputs are to be found under 2.0/services, and on the deployer under openstack/ardana/services.

The ardana-ci/standard inputs should be copied to openstack/my_cloud/definition. You will need to copy the appropriate inputs if you intend to use an alternative cloud model. openstack-/ardana-input-model/2.0/examples are copied to ardana/examples.

We recommend using the standard cloud definition (i.e. the definition in openstack-/ardana-input-model/2.0/ardana-ci/standard) to begin with.

Note that the whole of the ardana/ directory is under git control. More detailed information about this can be found in the Git design document

To run CP:

cp -r ~/ardana-ci/standard/* ~/openstack/my_cloud/definition/
cd ~/ardana
git add -A
git commit -m "My config"
cd ~/openstack/ardana/ansible/

We have modified the config-processor-run.yml playbook to turn on CP encryption of its persistent state and Ansible output. If you run the playbook as follows:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost config-processor-run.yml

You will be prompted for an encryption key, and also asked if you want to change the encryption key to a new value, and it must be a different key. You can turn off encryption by typing the following:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost config-processor-run.yml -e encrypt="" \
                 -e rekey=""

To run playbooks against the CP output:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost ready-deployment.yml
cd ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible

If your input model includes Ardana Hypervisor nodes, providing Virtual Control Plane VMs, then you need to run the following command to setup the hypervisor nodes, provision the VCP VMs and start them:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts ardana-hypervisor-setup.yml

If you've turned-off encryption, type the following:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts site.yml

If you enabled encryption, type the following:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts site.yml --ask-vault-pass

Enter the encryption key that you used with the config processor run when prompted for the Vault password.

In a baremetal re-install case, you'll need to wipe partition data on non-os disks to allow osconfig to complete successfully. If you wish to wipe all previously used non OS disks run the following before site.yml:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts wipe_disks.yml

This will require user confirmation during the run. This play will fail if osconfig has previously been run.

To restrict memory usage below default 2g by elasticsearch you can pass lower amount. Minimum value is 256m and it should allow operation for few hours at least. If you plan system to run for longer period please use larger values.

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts site.yml -e elasticsearch_heap_size=256m

For more information on the directory structure see TODO Add new link if possible [here].

Once the system is deployed and services are started, some services can be populated with an optional set of defaults.

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts ardana-cloud-configure.yml

If you are running behind a proxy, you'll need to set the proxy variable as we download a cirros image during the cloud configure

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts ardana-cloud-configure.yml \
                 -e proxy="http://<proxy>:<proxy_port>"

For now this:

Downloads a cirros image from the Internet and uploads to Glance.

Creates an external network - is the default CIDR.
You can over-ride this default by providing a parameter at run time:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts ardana-cloud-configure.yml \
                 -e EXT_NET_CIDR=

Other configuration items are likely to be added in time, including additional Glance images, Nova flavors and Cinder volume types.

Configuration jinja2 templates

Configuration jinja2 templates, which are customer editable, are included in openstack/my_cloud/config.

Exercising the deployed Cloud

After running through the Ardana steps to deploy a cloud, you can access API services on that cloud from the deployer by first running the following on the deployer vm:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts cloud-client-setup.yml

After running this playbook, the /etc/environment file is updated for subsequent logins, but you will need to source it to change the settings of the current shell.

source /etc/environment

Installing the CA certificate for the TLS endpoints into the deployer

To access endpoints terminated by TLS, you need to install the CA certificate that signed the TLS endpoint certificate.

ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost tls-trust-deploy.yml

The core services (Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, Cinder, Swift) are all operational, and new services are being integrated continually. "nova endpoints" is a useful command to see the current service catalog.

Two accounts are set up in keystone. To start using services, source the service.osrc file. For keystone operation source the keystone.osrc file. Note that the keystone cli is deprecated and won't work anymore, instead use the openstack cli.

A note on CA certificates: If you're going to connect to API from outside of the cloud, you need to install the CA certs or run with the insecure option. The CA certificate can be found from the following location in the deployer:


Copy it to the following directory in your workstation:


And run: sudo update-ca-certificates

Now you can run openstack commands to encrypted endpoints.

cd ~
. ./service.osrc

nova flavor-list
| ID | Name         | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor | Is_Public |
| 1  | m1.tiny      | 512       | 1    | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |
| 2  | m1.small     | 2048      | 20   | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |
| 3  | m1.medium    | 4096      | 40   | 0         |      | 2     | 1.0         | True      |
| 4  | m1.large     | 8192      | 80   | 0         |      | 4     | 1.0         | True      |
| 5  | m1.xlarge    | 16384     | 160  | 0         |      | 8     | 1.0         | True      |
| 6  | m1.baremetal | 4096      | 80   | 0         |      | 2     | 1.0         | True      |

nova endpoints

Note that currently most services are "empty" - e.g there are no images loaded in Glance and no networks or routers configured in Neutron.

Alternatively you can run the configured tempest tests against keystone with the following commands:

cd ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts tempest-run.yml

Using Vagrant

The use of Vagrant in Ardana is to create a virtual test environment. The use of Vagrant features is to setup a minimal installation on the Resource and Control Plane servers and to fully prep the deployer server such that it is ready to start deploying to the Resource and Control Plane servers.

Using Ansible

Ansible performs all of the configuration of the deployer and of the resource and control plane servers. For use in the developer environment it is recommended that you use the following to prevent ssh host key errors:


All of the building and provisioning is controlled by ansible, and as such the use of ansible variables can change both what and how things are built. They can be specified on the command line directly with the use of -e<var>=<value> or they can be set within a file that is included. See the ansible documentation for more details, Passing Variables On The Command Line

The best way of determining what variables exist is to look through the playbooks themselves.

Working with Floating IPs

In order to access virtual machines created in the cloud, you will need to create a physical router on the ext-net. Assuming you have used the above mechanism to create the ext-net, you can use the following commands on the deployer node, to access the floating IPs.

vconfig add eth3 103
ifconfig eth3 up
ifconfig eth3.103 up

This creates a VLAN on eth3 with tag 103 and adds the default-router IP to it.

You can then ping the floating IP (from the deployer node). Remember to add security-group rules for ICMP and possibly for SSH.

Setting up routes between Management network and Octavia's Neutron provider network

Octavia, which is the default HA driver for neutron lbaas, requires a route between its neutron provider network (management network for amphora) and Ardana OpenStack management network. Run the following playbook on the host node that runs Ardana OpenStack vagrant VMs to setup this route.

cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost dev-env-route-provider-nets.yml

Building custom/updated service wheel to modify your standard-vagrant environment

This section details how to build a custom wheel to replace the deployed venv in your environment. You will likely want to follow these steps if you have added sources or pips to the requirements.txt, or modified the setup.py(cfg) of your service package, and therefore need to deploy an updated venv as opposed to rebuilding your environment.

  1. Clone your service repo (ie swiftlm) to a directory parallel to ardana-dev-tools

  2. Patch this clone directory with your desired changes

  3. Change dir to ardana-dev-tools/build-vagrant cd ../ardana-dev-tools/build-vagrant

  4. Run the venv-build playbook ansible-playbook -i ../ansible/hosts/vagrant.py ../ansible/venv-build.yml -e '{"packages": ["swiftlm"]}'

    which will then create a new tgz under ../scratch-master_<version_name>/swiftlm-20160226T144301Z.tgz

  5. scp this new tgz up to the deployer directory at /opt/ardana_packager/openstack-/hlinux_venv/.

  6. vagrant ssh to the deployer and regenerate the packager index: sudo /opt/stack/service/packager/venv/bin/create_index --dir /opt/ardana_packager/openstack-/hlinux_venv/

  7. Verify your new package listed in packages: cat /opt/ardana_packager/openstack-/hlinux_venv/packages

  8. Do an upgrade of the service: ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts swift-upgrade.yml


Sometimes things go wrong. Known issues are listed in troubleshooting

Emulating the CI Build & Testing Process

The CI Build and Test process can be more closely emulated by passing the --ci option to the astack.sh script, e.g. ./astack.sh --ci standard The primary impact of doing so will be that the user account on the vagrant VMs will be ardanauser rather than stack. Additionally when creating a standard cloud, the 3rd compute VM will be created as a RHEL7 rather than hLinux VM. See [doc/dev-workflow.md] for more details.