
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Installation for development

Create a venv & activate it and install the dev requirements

     uv venv -p python3.12
     source .venv/bin/activate.fish
     uv sync

Set up the database

    initdb databases/postgres
    postgres -D databases/postgres  # in a different terminal tab
    createdb deploy
    createuser deploy
    python commands.py createuser  # will also create the tables

    # Create a test database and copy the schema over
    createdb deploy_test
    pg_dump deploy | psql deploy_test

Run the tests


Run the static type checker

    mypy deploy

Run the devserver

    honcho start


This project uses mkdocs.org with material theme for documentation. To add an updated openapi.json to the docs run python commands.py docs --openapi.


mkdocs.yml        # The configuration file.
    index.md      # The documentation home.
    openapi.json  # Downloaded from the FastAPI devserver. Use the plugin with `!!swagger openapi.json!!`
    ...           # Other markdown pages, images and other files.

Just To Trigger Deploy