
An algorithm to solve a problem in graph theory

Primary LanguageC++


Let G=(V,E) be directed graph, let (x,y) be an edge belonging to E and let P be a simple Path in G
We say the simple path P is maximal if no vertex exists such that the additon of it to any side of P creates a new simple path

Here I implemented an algorithm with C++ that finds a maximal path for an arbteriy directed graph G which contains some edge (x,y) which runs in O(V+E) (fordense graphs the bound is O(V^2))

How to Install

Deploy contents to any folder, run .sln file

How to use

There is a word file which describes the algorithm in psedo code with some explaintions.
The input to the algorithm is given via console, here is an example for some execution:

Please enter the number of nodes in the directed graph:

Please enter the list of neighbors for each node of the graph:
{5, 2, 3}, {1,5}, { }, { }, {3}
Please enter the nodes of the edge:
1, 3
The output is
<< (2, 1, 3)
Do you want to continue (y/n):
Please enter the nodes of the edge:
2, 5
The output is
<< (1, 2, 5, 3)