
Creates private keys and certificates in a Grunt task.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Generates private keys and certificates in a Grunt task.


  • openssl installed
  • grunt installed

##Example Grunt configuration

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        cert: {
            keys: {
                mode: {
                    type: 'private-public-keys',
                    keySize: 4096
                locations: {
                    privateKey: './private-key.pem',
                    publicKey: './public-key.pem'
            cert: {
                mode: {
                    type: 'cert',
                    keySize: 4096
                locations: {
                    key: './key.key',
                    cert: './cert.cert'
                certData: {
                    countryName: 'HU',
                    state: 'Csongrad',
                    city: 'Szeged',
                    organizationName: 'FooBar Ltd',
                    organizationUnitName: 'Development',
                    commonName: 'FooBar CA',
                    emailAddress: 'foo@bar.fb'


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