Labs for the Angular Courses
There are only four things needed for setup and to run the labs:
- bash
- node ^6.7 with npm
- The Angular cli (ng) ^1.3
- mongoDB ^3.2
If you want some installation help including verification steps, go here .
Each lab's instructions are located in the instructions folder.
Each lab can be run without copying any files. Just open a bash shell, cd to the lab solution folder and type in
npm install
npm start
If you want to use a solution from a prior lab as a starter, either copy the whole folder to a new one or simply begin editing the code in that folder.
We have products, locations, orders, and customers. They are stored in collections (aka tables) in a mongo database.
Have a status:
Status | Meaning |
0 | Ready to pick, pack, and ship |
1 | Shipped |
2 | Has problem(s) that a supervisor should fix |
LocationID is a string with this format: AASHB where ...
- AA- Aisle - 01-99
- S - Slot - A-Z
- H - Shelf - 1-9
- B - Bin - A-Z
For example, 01A1A = Aisle 1, Slot A, Shelf 1, Bin A
Only one product will be stored in a location so locationID is a primary key
- GET /api/orders/readyToShip - Get a list of orders that are ready to ship (status=0 means "ready to ship". status=1 means "shipped")
- GET /api/orders/ - Get a list of all orders
- GET /api/orders/:id - Get a single order
- PATCH /api/orders/:id/markAsShipped - Mark the order as "shipped" (status=1)
- PATCH /api/orders/:id/markAsProblem - Mark the order as "has a problem" (status=2)
- POST /api/orders/ - Create a new order. New order record is in the body.
- PUT /api/orders/:id - Replace the order with what is in the body.
- DELETE /api/orders/:id - Delete the order
- PATCH /api/orders/:id - Update the order with the values in the body.
- GET /api/products - All products
- GET /api/products/:id - A single product with that id (ids are between 1 and about 77 currently)
- GET /api/products/featured - All featured products (Those we want to promote. Have featured==true)
- GET /api/products?search= - All products with searchString as part of the name.
- PUT /api/products - Insert a new product into the database. The product's fields are in the body.
- PATCH /api/products/:id - Update the product. Updated fields are in the body.
- DELETE /api/products/:id - Delete the product
- GET /api/customers - All customers
- POST /api/customers - Create a new customer
- GET /api/customers/:id - A single customer. (ids are between 1 and 78)
- PUT /api/customers/:id - Replace a single customer
- PATCH /api/customers/:id - Update a single customer
- DELETE /api/customers/:id - Delete a single customer
- GET /api/categories - All categories
- GET /api/categories/:id - Read one category
- GET /api/locations - All locations
- POST /api/locations - Creaes a new location
- GET /api/locations/:id - Read location for locationID id
- PUT /api/locations/:id - Replace location at locationID id
- PATCH /api/locations/:id - Update location at locationID id
- DELETE /api/locations/:id - Delete location ID id
- GET /api/locations/forProduct/:id - Get all locations where product id can be found.
Things that may be helpful to instructors teaching this course.
- Intro
- Intro Lab
- Angular CLI
- Angular CLI Lab
- Lunch
- Big Picture
- Big Picture Lab
- TypeScript
- TypeScript Lab
- Components Intro
- Components Intro Lab
- Lunch
- Property Binding
- Property Binding Lab
- Built-in Directives
- Built-in Directives Lab
- Routing
- Routing Lab
- Lunch
- Event Binding
- Event Binding Lab
- Forms and 2-way Binding
- Forms and 2-way Binding Lab
- Composition with Components
- Composition with Components Lab
- Ajax
- Lunch
- Ajax Lab
- Observables
- Observables Lab
- Services
- Services Lab
- Pipes
- Lunch
- Pipes Lab
- Modules
- Modules Lab
- Noel Bergman - Solutions to some labs and proofreading