
Install modbam2bed via anaconda

ekushele opened this issue · 3 comments


I want to add a container for modbam2bed in the (multi-package-containers)[https://github.com/BioContainers/multi-package-containers]

For this, I need to add modbam2bed to the hash.tsv file
When I add modbam2bed, I'm getting the following error:

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
- modbam2bed

Adding epi2melabs::modbam2bed didn't help...

This is the issue I opened in the repo.

I would appreciate your assistance!

Thank you!

cjw85 commented


We don't know anything about biocontainers. You're better off asking on biocontainers support channels.

So I'll put it this way:
If I want to add modbam2bed as a package in a meta.yaml file, how can I do it?