NOTE: the below instructions are for Jade developers with access to Jade development boards or for those wanting to build and flash their own esp32 consumer devices - eg. M5Stack or TTGO T-Display boards. They are not for updating the firmware of an official Blockstream Jade hw unit - these can only be updated in-app, or using the '' script - see
To build you can use the docker image (see Dockerfile) or install the esp-idf toolchain and repo following the commands in this readme.
For information about suitable DIY hardware, as well as suggested configuration profiles and notes on secure boot. DIY Guide
Note the supplied docker-compose.yml assumes the Jade device is at dev/ttyUSB0.
Note the below instructions assume an original Jade v1.0 hardware with a true wheel. When using the later Jade v1.1 hw revision with a rocker/jog-wheel, use 'configs/sdkconfig_jade_v1_1.defaults' in place of 'configs/sdkconfig_jade.defaults'.
(local)$ docker-compose up -d
(local)$ docker-compose exec dev bash
(docker)$ cp configs/sdkconfig_jade.defaults sdkconfig.defaults
(docker)$ flash
The docker-compose.yml also mounts the local git repo so that it is the origin of the repo in the docker.
Jade requires the esp-idf sdk.
More information is available in the Espressif official guide.
Get the esp-idf sdk and required tools:
cd ~/esp
git clone -b v5.0.1 --recursive
cd ~/esp/esp-idf && git checkout a4afa44435ef4488d018399e1de50ad2ee964be8 && ./ esp32
Set up the environmental variables:
. $HOME/esp/esp-idf/
git clone --recursive $HOME/jade
cd $HOME/jade
cp configs/sdkconfig_jade.defaults sdkconfig.defaults flash monitor
_Some hardware configurations (eg: M5StickC-Plus) may not support the default baud rate and won't be detected, so you can force a specific baud rate for flash/monitor by using the -b
For example, the last line of the above code block would change be: -b 115200 flash monitor
There are various build configurations used by the CI in the configs/ directory, which may be required for specific builds eg. without BLE radio, with the screen enabled (or disabled, as with the CI tests), or for specific hardware (eg. the m5-fire).
The menuconfig tool can also be used to adjust the build settings. menuconfig
Note: for any but the simplest CI-like build with no GUI, no camera, no user-interaction etc. it is recommended that PSRAM is available and enabled. ( Component Config -> ESP-32 specific -> Support external SPI connected RAM )
cd $HOME/jade
virtualenv -p python3 venv3
source venv3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run these commands inside the jade source repo root directory, it will enter a docker container
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t testjadeqemu
docker run -v ${PWD}:/jade -p 30121:30121 -it testjadeqemu bash
Note: You can skip the build step if you want by fetching the prebuilt image and running with
docker pull blockstream/verde
docker run -v ${PWD}:/jade -p 30121:30121 -it blockstream/verde bash
Now inside the container
. /root/esp/esp-idf/
cd /jade
rm -fr sdkconfig
cp configs/sdkconfig_qemu.defaults sdkconfig.defaults all
apt-get update -qq && apt-get install virtualenv -yqq
virtualenv -p python3 ./venv3
source ./venv3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
./tools/ build/jade.bin build
# To run the CI tests
# To reboot the qemu instance
# To reboot the qemu instance and attach gdb to the Jade fw
At this point the Jade fw running in the qemu emulator should be available on 'tcp:localhost:30121' from inside and outside the docker container.
See for instructions on locally reproducing the official Blockstream Jade firmware images (minus the Blockstream signature block).
The collection is subject to gpl3 but individual source components can be used under their specific licenses.