
A Craps game in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Name: pyCraps
Version: Unreleased
Release Date: Unreleased

The idea here is to create a Craps game to help me get more familiar
with both the game of Craps itself and the Python language.

I chose to use the Apache 2.0 over the BSD and the GPL for the following 
    1.) Apache 2.0 is GPLv3-compatible.
    2.) Derivative works don't need to be licensed under the Apache license,
        giving other developers the ability to choose licensing terms that 
        make sense for them.  In this sense, it's weaker than the GPL.
    3.) However, derivative works still must give all credit where it's due,
        which is all I'm really after.  In this sense it's stronger than the
        BSD licenses which I typically tend to favor.

    1.) Get a game engine going with a minimal set of table spaces
    2.) Get a more complete set of table spaces
    3.) Get a very basic CLI going
    4.) Make it a multi-player game
    5.) Basic GUI?
    6.) Network game?
    7.) Prettier GUI?

Then, once I understand more fully how the game works, I can retire and 
live only on my Craps winnings...

That'll be the day!