
An example of how to develop a site using Django and Docker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Docker Example

  1. Install the requirements.

  2. Clone the source code.

     $ cd ~/
     $ git clone https://github.com/epicserve/django-docker-example.git
     $ cd django-docker-example
  3. Start boot2docker.

     $ boot2docker start
  4. Create a docker machine that will hold all your containers and images.

     $ docker-machine create -d virtualbox django-docker
     $ eval "$(docker-machine env django-docker)"
  5. Start the django dev server.

     $ make start
  6. Open a new terminal tab and do the following to open the site in your browser.

     $ cd ~/django-docker-example
     $ eval "$(docker-machine env django-docker)"
     $ make open_browser
  7. When you're done for the day, shut down your docker machine so it's not running in the background.

     $ docker-machine stop django-docker