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Django-stripe-payments Example

This is an example site installation of django-stripe-payments.


To install this example site, do the following (your mileage may vary).

$ mkvirtualenv --distribute django-stripe-payments
$ cd ~/Sites
$ git clone git://github.com/epicserve/dsp-example.git
$ cd dsp-example
$ add2virtualenv .
$ pip install -r config/requirements/base.txt
$ workon django-stripe-payments
$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings
$ django-admin.py syncdb

Create the file config/settings/local.py and add following. Change the STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY to match what you have in your stripe.com account settings. Also, change the email settings to work with your SMTP server. The following local.py settings file shows the settings if you want to use your Gmail account.


STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = 'pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = 'sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

# Example Gmail settings if you need to send email from a local Django dev
# site. Uncomment the following and change the username and password to
# whatever they are for your Gmail account. Make sure don't use Gmail for
# sending email on a production website.
EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'username@gmail.com'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Next, run the following management commands.

$ django-admin.py init_customers
$ django-admin.py init_plans

Now you're ready to run the example site.

$ django-admin.py runserver

You'll also need to open up a different tab in your terminal and run a service like localtunnel (free service) or Forward (paid service). The following is an example if you use Forward.

$ forward 8000
Forwarding port 8000 to https://username.fwd.wf
Ctrl-C to stop forwarding

The last step is to add https://username.fwd.wf/payments/webhook/ as a webhook under the Webhooks tab in your stripe.com account settings.

Now you should be ready to open your browser and go to https://username.fwd.wf/payments/subscribe in order to test django-strip-payments using this example website.