
Assetic ServiceProvider for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

Assetic for Laravel

A ServiceProvider based on https://github.com/mheap/Silex-Assetic

Install via composer, add the ServiceProvider and configure assets/filters in the config.

Add this package to composer.json

"require": {
    "barryvdh/laravel-assetic": "dev-master"

And run composer update. Then add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php

'providers' => array(

Finally publish the config file (php artisan config:publish barryvdh/laravel-assetic) and add your filters to the config.

// app/config/packages/barryvdh/laravel-assetic/config.php
'filter_manager' => function(FilterManager $fm){
     $fm->set('less', new \Assetic\Filter\LessphpFilter());
     $fm->set('cssmin', new Assetic\Filter\CssMinFilter);
     $fm->set('jsmin', new Assetic\Filter\JSMinFilter);
     $fm->set('cssrewrite', new Assetic\Filter\CssRewriteFilter());

When Twig is installed, the Assetic Extension can be used. Be sure to include the AsseticServiceProvider AFTER the TwigServiceProvider