
Use git in your own language (spanish for now)

Primary LanguageShell


Are you tired of hearing people saying things like "Pusheaste ya?" but later thinking "damn, they have a point, the command is in English".

Now you can change those commands and let the discussion be over. No more excuses.


Add this to your .gitconfig, using the your own absolute path to the localized gitconfig file.

   path = /Users/lucasefe/Code/blackhole/gitconfig-i18n/spanish-gitconfig

Now you enjoy the following aliases. You're welcome.

  agregar = add
  bitacora = log
  clonar = clone
  culpar = blame
  empujar = push
  esconder = stash
  estado = status
  guardar = stash
  perpetrar = commit
  rama = branch
  revertir = revert
  tirar = pull
  tronco = log
  unir = merge


$ git tirar
$ vim README.md
$ git agregar README.md
$ git perpetrar -am "Readme updated"
$ git empujar

Wanna contribute?

Fork away and submit PRs (include tests, please).