
carel pCOWeb mibs for rittal LCP DX

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Carel pCOWeb mibs

The Carel pCOWeb card (documentation) is a device that allows you to connect datacenter HVAC devices to your network and poll them via SNMP.

The pCOWeb card is vendor agnostic. When viewing the oid tree all values are provided under vendor id 9839 (Carel). This can be modified to be replaced with another vendor id if a MIB is available.

Rittal however has not provided a MIB for their LCP DX product family. This is problematic when trying to read/monitor values.

In order to remedy this I have written a MIB using the installation documentation provided by Rittal.

Almost all values are included except for some date values. Where neccesary a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION has been used in the mib to convert the numbers to proper values. Entries also have the correct UNITS where possible. RFC 1443 and RFC 2578 were used.

Configuring the pCOWeb card

Log on to the configuration page of the pCOWeb card. This is not always the ip address but rather a subdirectory. If you cant directly reach the configuration page try <ip address>/config. The default username and password is admin/fadmin. Modern browsers require you to enter this 2 or 3 times.

Afterwards you need to open the configuration -> snmp page. There you will see the following page:

pCOWeb configuration page

Use the following values:

System OID Enterprise OID 9839.2606

The OID tree is now presented as the standard carel OID tree with a subtree for rittal 2606 and then the values. (Carel / Rittal / Values).

Using this mib

First of all you can use your favourite mib viewer/browser. Make sure that it includes the following MIBs: SNMPv2-SMI, SNMPv2-CONF, SNMPv2-TC. If they are not included you'll have to download them yourself and place them in the appropriate directory of your software.

The second option is when using the linux cli. Just install the snmp and snmp-mibs downloader package:

sudo apt install snmp snmp-mibs-downloader

This will install the base snmp mibs and tools + all extra mibs needed.

When this is done you can use the mib to poll your device (replace the values where neccesary).:

snmpget -v 2c -c <community string> -m ./mibs/CAREL-RITTAL-LCP-3311-MIB.mib <ip address/hostname> .

# Append a zero to the sensor name
snmpget -v 2c -c <community string> -m ./mibs/CAREL-RITTAL-LCP-3311-MIB.mib <ip address/hostname> inputTemperatureAverage.0

Both of these commands will return the properly formatted value:

CAREL-RITTAL-LCP-3311-MIB::inputTemperatureAverage.0 = INTEGER: 31.3 C

Implemented sensors

Entry Type R/W OID Unit Description
compressorOverloadAlarm digital read-only . Compressor overload alarm: ok (0), alarm (1)
highPressureAlarm digital read-only . High pressure alarm: ok (0), alarm (1)
remoteOnOff digital read-only . Remote On/Off: off (0), on (1)
inverterAlarm digital read-only . Inverter alarm: ok (0), alarm (1)
driveAlarm digital read-only . Power+ drive off-line alarm: ok (0), alarm (1)
inverterOnOff digital read-only . Inverter On/Off: off (0), on (1)
generalAlarm digital read-only . General alarm: ok (0), alarm (1)
resetAllAlarms digital read-write . Reset all alarms: no (0), yes (1)
compressorEnvelopeAlarm digital read-only . Compressor forced off working out envelope: ok (0), alarm (1)
compressorStartupFailureAlarm digital read-only . Compressor startup failure alarm, reached max retries: ok (0), alarm (1)
maxDischargeTemperatureAlarm digital read-only . Maximum discharge temperature has been reached: ok (0), alarm (1)
compressorDeltaPressureAlarm digital read-only . Delta pressure too big to startup compressor: ok (0), alarm (1)
oilReturnAlarm digital read-only . Oil return alarm for when the compressor is running. Lubrication issue.: ok (0), alarm (1)
outputTemperatureTopProbeAlarm digital read-only . Top output temperature probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
outputTemperatureMidProbeAlarm digital read-only . Mid output temperature probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
outputTemperatureBottomProbeAlarm digital read-only . Bottom output temperature probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
inputTemperatureTopProbeAlarm digital read-only . Top input temperature probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
inputTemperatureMidProbeAlarm digital read-only . Mid input temperature probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
inputTemperatureBottomProbeAlarm digital read-only . Bottom input temperature probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
compressorDischargeTemperatureProbeAlarm digital read-only . Compressor discharge temperature probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
compressorSuctionTemperatureProbeAlarm digital read-only . Compressor suction temperature probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
compressorDischargePressureProbeAlarm digital read-only . Compressor discharge pressure probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
compressorSuctionPressureProbeAlarm digital read-only . Compressor suction pressure probe broken: ok (0), alarm (1)
reboot digital read-write . Reboot the system: no (0), yes (1)
compressorRotorSpeedHz integer read-only . Hz Compressor rotor speed in Hz
driverPowerStatus integer read-only . Driver power status stop (1), run (2), alarm (3)
currentErrorCode integer read-only . Current error code, see table below
driverTemperature integer read-only . C Driver Power+ Temperature
dcBusVoltage integer read-only . V Power+ DC Voltage
motorVoltage integer read-only . V Motor Voltage
powerRequest integer read-only . % Request of power for inverter after envelop
unitOnOff integer read-write . Unit on/off state: off (0), on (1), energy-save (2), auto (3)
envelopeZone integer read-only . envelope zone: ok (0), maximum compression ratio (1), maximum discharge power (2), current limit (3), maximum suction power(4), minimum compression ratio (5), minimum delta power (6), minimum discharge power(7), minimum suction power (8)
coolingCapacity integer read-only . % Actual EVD valve cooling capacity
evdValveSteps integer read-only . steps EVD valve steps position
fanSpeedPercent integer read-only . % The fan speed percentage
fanSpeedRpm integer read-only . rpm The fan speed rpm
evdValveOpening integer read-only . % Actual EVD valve opening
outputTemperatureTopSensor analog read-only . C Top sensor output temperature in Celcius
outputTemperatureMidSensor analog read-only . C Mid sensor output temperature in Celcius
outputTemperatureBottomSensor analog read-only . C Bottom sensor output temperature in Celcius
inputTemperatureTopSensor analog read-only . C Top sensor input temperature in Celcius
inputTemperatureMidSensor analog read-only . C Mid sensor input temperature in Celcius
inputTemperatureBottomSensor analog read-only . C Bottom sensor input temperature in Celcius
compressorDischargeTemperature analog read-only . C Compressor discharge temperature
compressorSuctionTemperature analog read-only . C Compressor suction temperature
compressorDischargePressure analog read-only . bar Compressor discharge pressure
compressorSuctionPressure analog read-only . bar Compressor suction pressure
evaporatorTemperature analog read-only . C Evaporator temperature from Low pressure conversion
condensingTemperature analog read-only . C Condensing temperature from High pressure conversion
inputTemperatureAverage analog read-only . C Average input temperature in Celcius
outputTemperatureAverage analog read-only . C Average output temperature in Celcius
compressorRotorSpeed analog read-only . rps Compressor rotor speed
compressorMotorCurrent analog read-only . A Compressor motor current
lcpSetpoint analog read-write . C Main LCP setpoint

Error codes

Use this table to reference the error 'currentErrorCode' codes. Consult the Rittal documentation starting on page 45

Value Alarm code Description
2 ALA02 Probe B2 faulty or disconnected
3 ALA03 Probe B3 faulty or disconnected
4 ALA04 Probe B4 faulty or disconnected
5 ALA05 Probe B5 faulty or disconnected
6 ALA06 Probe B6 faulty or disconnected
7 ALA07 Probe B7 faulty or disconnected
8 ALA08 Probe B8 faulty or disconnected
9 ALA09 Probe B9 faulty or disconnected
10 ALA10 Probe B10 faulty or disconnected
11 ALA11 Probe B11 faulty or disconnected
12 ALA12 Probe B12 faulty or disconnected
13 ALB01 High pressure
14 ALB02 High pressure compressor 1 by transducer
15 ALB03 Low pressure compressor/compressors by transducer
16 ALC01 Compressor 1 overload or inverter alarm
17 ALC03 Envelope alarm zone
18 ALC04 Compressor start failure
19 ALC05 High discharge gas temperature
20 ALC06 Low pressure differential (insufficient lubrication)
21 ALF01 Fan overload
22 ALD02 Sensor failure
23 ALD03 EEV motor error
24 ALD04 Low superheat
25 ALD05 Low suction temperature
26 ALD06 Low evaporation temperature
27 ALD07 High evaporation temperature
28 ALD08 High condensing temperature
29 ALD09 Driver offline
30 ALL01 Power+ offline
31 ALL02 Power+ Generic Alarm
32 ALL99 Unexpected inverter stop
33 ALW04 Max temperature (warning)


  • SK 3311.410-440
  • SK 3311.320
  • Rittal LCP DX
  • Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
  • Rittal Chiller