
A great refactor of tequila framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A MVC JS framework


Module management: RequireJS with jQuery (http://requirejs.org/) User can define a module by the define API and include a module with the require API. All modules are referenced by its path

For example there is a directory in the framework

|   |
|   |---oo.js
|   |
|   |---util.js

util.js defines all the utility functions and oo.js defines all
class-related functions.

If one wants to add a new module for ajax call in the basic directory and
the ajax module will use oo and util module one can define the module like:

  define(['./oo'], ['./util'], function() {oo, util}) {
    var ajax = oo.create({
    // Now all class-related functions can be used through oo
    // of course, all utility functions can be used through util
    return ajax // Return the module you defined

 The direcoty now looks like:

 |   |
 |   |---oo.js
 |   |
 |   |---util.js
 |   |
 |   |---ajax.js

 Then if one wants to use ajax module in main.js, one must use the require

  require(['./basic/oo', './basic/util', './basic/ajax.js'],
    function(oo, util, ajax) {

And in index.html one can include the main.js and RequireJS like:

  <script data-main="main.js" src="require-jquery.js"></script>

For more information, check the detial RequireJS API in the above link.

Unit Test: Qunit (http://qunitjs.com/) jQuery Mockjax (https://github.com/appendto/jquery-mockjax)

For each module unit tests must be added. All test modules are in the test
directory and should be named like {ModuleName}_test.js

For example, one wants to add unit tests for ajax module, a file named
ajax_test.js must be created in this way:

  define(['../basic/ajax'], function(ajax) {
    'use strict';
     return {
       RunTests: function () {
         test('Ajax Text 1', function () {
           // Do some test

         test('Ajax Text 2', function () {
           // Do some test


  Then include the test file in test/main.js like:

    require(['oo_test', 'util_test', 'MVC_test', 'navigator_test',
      'ajaxModel_test', 'sqlModel_test', 'sqlAjaxModel_test', 'ajax_test'],

  For more information to write a test case, please read:

Local Sql like database: Dome Storage Query Language (https://code.google.com/p/dom-storage-query-language/)

Template Engine: EJS (http://embeddedjs.com/)

Main Modules and API

oo : Defines all class-related functions. Usage can be found in the comments of basic/oo.js

util: All utility functions are defined there. Now there are only two functions: clonei(obj): Deep clone an object randomStr(length, src): Generate randomStr with given length and source

MVC: Defines all MVC related functions and classes

   MVC.Record: Define a record used for model. It is used by MVC.model

   MVC.Model: Define a model class.Model stores data and do all the
              data-related function. It is also an interfce any js object
              implement 'insert', 'remove', 'update', 'load''getData',
              'findByKey', 'filter', 'find' functions can be used as a
              modle. MVC.Model use js object to store data

   MVC.AjaxModel: Store data in js object and sync with server with ajax

   MVC.SqlModel: Store data in local sql-like database

   MVC.AjaxSqlModel: Store data in local sql-like database and sync data
                     with server with ajax call

   MVC.EJS: EJS template engine. EJS template is the view of the MVC

   MVC.Controller: Define a controller class. User link models and views
                   with controller

   Move detail API and usage example is in the comments of the source if
   MVC directory

navigator: Defines a navigator class used to navigate between browser hash url

   Move detail API and usage example is in the comments of the source if
   navigator directory