
A simple python script to login to chevy web page and display charge stats for your vehicle.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple python script to login to chevy web page and display charge stats for your vehicle.

  • Requires python3 & pip3. uses selenium driver, please make sure you installed it before using the script.
  • Only 1 vehicle supported, open an issue if you need support for multiple :)
  • Feel free to contribute, its good karma


  • Simple and dumb
  • here is an example of how it works
Please enter your username: awesomeusername@gmail.com
Please enter path for your chrome driver[default=/usr/local/bin/chromedriver] :
*Thanks for waiting! It may take three minutes to retrieve your data.*
Current Status : Your battery is not currently charging
Battery level : 100 %
Estimated Range : 212 Electric Miles


This App requires Python3 to run.

Install the dependencies

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 app.py



Free Software, Hell Yeah!