EpiVariants and Imprinting ANalysis tool

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EVIAN (EpiVariant and Imprinting ANalysis) toolbox


EVIAN is a suite of tools to perform a differential analysis of the distribution of CpG methylation (via Illumina Methyl Array technology).
This toolbox currently include:

  • DNAm_Pct_report: a Rmd script to generate a HTML report about the distribution of CpG methylation in a few samples against a control population. This analysis is mainly focused on a set of known regions provided by the user.
  • EVIAN_shiny.R: and a shiny interface to launch the previous scripts without using directly command-lines.

Each script can be directly launched in command-lines: look at the ReadMe.md from the corresponding directories for more information.


Installation via conda

  • Install conda via Miniconda (https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) or Anaconda.

  • Open your terminal window (Mac, Linux) or anaconda prompt (Windows) and launch the following command to install a new conda environment for the EVIAN toolbox:

conda create -n EVIAN_env -c conda-forge -c r -c bioconda r r-essentials r-rmarkdown pandoc r-kableextra bioconductor-rtracklayer r-rcolorbrewer r-reshape2 r-shiny r-shinyfiles r-shinywidgets r-waiter r-optparse r-shinydashboard bioconductor-minfi bioconductor-illuminahumanmethylationepicmanifest bioconductor-illuminahumanmethylation450kmanifest r-biocmanager
  • Once the installation is complete, activate the environment previously generated to load the required dependencies before using any script from the toolbox:
conda activate EVIAN_env


The usage of each tool is detailed in the ReadMe.md of each corresponding directory.

Here is detailed the steps to use the shiny interface EVIAN_shiny.R.

  • Once you loaded the required dependencies to use the scripts, launch the EVIAN_shiny.R script to open the interface.
Rscript ./path/to/EVIAN_shiny.R
  • Each tab on the left corresponds to one of the available tool: select the one that you want to use.
  • Follow the required instructions, select the files and conditions you want to use for the analysis.
  • Once you finished completing the conditions you wanted to use, click on the "Generate report" or "Launch analysis" button at the bottom of the page.
  • A command-line will be generated and launched: the progress can be followed on the terminal window.

Regions dataset description

Regions to be imported and analyzed must be saved in a tsv (tabulation-separated values) file.
This file must have the 7 following columns (using this following order):

column name description example
chr chromosome chr1
start start position 9200
end end position 10200
strand strand +, - or *
name name of the region DmrA-geneA, DmrB-1234, etc...
group group(s) associated to this region SyndromeA, ImprintedRegionGroup1, etc...
status status associated to the corresponding group in this region "High_Confidence", "Hypothetical", etc...

It is possible to import different region files at once.
It is also possible to have multiple groups associated to one region:

  • 2 or more times the same region with one group per line with its associated status (ex: region 3)
  • 2 or more groups (separated by a comma) in the "group" column of the same line (with associated status for each of the groups in the same order and separated by commas) (ex: region 2);
  • or a combination of both previous possibilities (ex: region 3).

Regions dataset example

chr start end strand name group status
chr1 1000 1500 * region1 groupA HighConf
chr3 500 750 + region2 groupA,groupB HighConf,HighConf
chr4 5000 10000 * region3 groupB LowConf
chr4 5000 10000 * region3 groupC,groupD HighConf,LowConf



