
Example of a debit authorizer using functions

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Debit authorizer

This project is about an example of a debit authorizer with the credit card using functions over the IBM Cloud Functions.


Create a highly available, auto scalable and highly performant solution to authorize debit operations for financial institutions.

How it works

Below is the diagram that shows how the system will work.

How it was developed

  • Functions
  • Serverless framework
  • IBM Functions Composer
  • Java
  • NodeJS
  • PostgreSQL

Have you set up your account credentials?

Before you can deploy your service to OpenWhisk, you need to have an account registered with the platform.

  • Want to run the platform locally? Please read the project's Quick Start guide for deploying it locally.
  • Want to use a hosted provider? Please sign up for an account with IBM Bluemix and then follow the instructions for getting access to OpenWhisk on Bluemix.

Account credentials for OpenWhisk can be provided through a configuration file or environment variables. This plugin requires the API endpoint, namespace and authentication credentials.

Do you want to use a configuration file for storing these values? Please follow the instructions for setting up the OpenWhisk command-line utility. This tool stores account credentials in the .wskprops file in the user's home directory. The plugin automatically extracts credentials from this file at runtime. No further configuration is needed.

Do you want to use environment variables for credentials? Use the following environment variables to be pass in account credentials. These values override anything extracted from the configuration file.

  • OW_APIHOST - Platform endpoint, e.g. openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net
  • OW_AUTH - Authentication key, e.g. `xxxxxx:yyyyy

Have you installed the provider plugin?

Install project dependencies which includes the OpenWhisk provider plugin.

npm install

…and that's it!

Deploy Service

Use the serverless command to deploy your service. The sample handler.js file can be deployed without modification.

mvn clean deploy
deploy credit-card-online-debit-dev-authorizer authorizer.json -w


create table account (agency integer, accountnumber integer, status varchar, name varchar, PRIMARY KEY(agency, accountnumber));
create table balance (agency integer, accountnumber integer, balancevalue numeric(15,2), PRIMARY KEY(agency, accountnumber));
create table debitcard (agency integer, accountnumber integer, cardnumber integer PRIMARY KEY, status varchar);
create table provisionaldebit (id serial PRIMARY KEY, agency integer, accountnumber integer, debitvalue numeric(15,2), debitdate timestamp, status varchar);
create table transaction (id serial PRIMARY KEY, agency integer, accountnumber integer, transactionvalue numeric(15,2), transactiondate timestamp);
insert into account (agency, accountnumber, status, name) values (111, 123, 'ACTIVE', 'Bjorn'),(111, 456, 'ACTIVE', 'Bucky'),(222, 123, 'INACTIVE', 'Little Fox');
insert into balance (agency, accountnumber, balancevalue) values (111,123,1000),(111,456,2000),(222,123,3000);
insert into debitcard (agency, accountnumber, cardnumber, status) values (111,123,123456,'ACTIVE'),(111,456,456789,'INACTIVE');