
A gradle project generator written in Go for some reason

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A gradle project generator written in go. Generates gradle projects that use episode6's hackit open source tools.


I wanted a faster way to create new libraries and apps using the episode6/hackit toolkit. I also wanted to learn go.


Install with

# You'll also need a relatively modern version of gradle to run the initial wrapper task
go get -u github.com/episode6/hackit-quickstart/...

cd to the root directory of your project (or a new directory) and execute the hackit-quickstart command (if you exclude any required flags you'll be asked for them). Some features will require your working dir to be a git repo with a valid remote.

Usage of hackit-quickstart:
  -androidCompileSdkVersion string
    	For android apps/libs, the value of compileSdkVersion (default "27")
  -androidNdkDir string
    	Android ndk directory (default "$ANDROID_HOME/ndk-bundle")
  -androidSdkDir string
    	Android sdk directory (default "$ANDROID_HOME")
  -config string
    	path to config file (default "~/.hackit-quickstart")
    	Make a deployable library (has no effect on apps)
  -gdmc string
    	Url of a shared gdmc repo to add as a sub-module
  -gradleVersion string
    	Gradle version to apply to the project (root project only) (default "4.4")
  -group string
    	GroupId (aka package name) of library to generate
  -lang string
    	Language of project to create. Valid values are
		java: A deployable java library
		groovy: A deployable groovy library
		gradle: A deployable groovy library with the gradle api and an empty gradle plugin.
		kotlin: A deployable kotlin library
		kotlinAndroid: An android library
		kotlinAndroidApp: An android application with kotlin support
		kotlinAndroidAppDagger: An android application with kotlin support and a default dagger 2 implementation
		android: An android library
		androidApp: An android application
		androidAppDagger: An android application with a default dagger 2 implementation
  -licenseName string
    	The name of the license you want to use (for deployable libraries) (default "The MIT License (MIT)")
  -name string
    	The name of the new module to generate (for a multi-module project, this will be the sub-modules name)
  -type string
    	Type of project to create. Valid values are
		single: A single-module project
		multi: A multi-module project with a single sub-module to start
		sub: A new submodule in an existing multi-module project
  -v	Display hackit-quickstart version
  -version string
    	Initial version name to use (default "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")

hackit-quickstart can be configured via a file or environment variables. By default the app checks for a file at ~/.hackit-quickstart, but that can be overridden using the -config flag. For episode6 projects, I use the following config...

# hackit-quickstart default config

gdmc git@github.com:episode6/hackit-gdmc.git
androidCompileSdkVersion gdmcVersion('android.compilesdk') as Integer

Generated Projects

Generated projects include some or all of the following classpath dependencies by default...

  • gradle wrapper v4.4 - All projects
  • gdmc - All projects - dependency manager
  • deployable - All projects except androidApp (when -deployable flag is used)- simplified publishing to mavenCentral
  • android gradle build tools - android and androidApp


MIT: https://github.com/episode6/hackit-quickstart/blob/master/LICENSE