
Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause



Mook is a tool used to scan for available services through a filtering device that uses some for of syn-flood protection. These devices will reply with a SYN/ACK to every SYN packet sent. Making it impossible for traditional port scanners to detect legitimate services.

For install instructions see INSTALL.txt

Scan Types

There are two types of scans Mook can use to detect an available service

  1. Connect Scan: Using the kernel to handle the connection we attempt to establish a 3-way handshake with the target, we then close the socket which will send a FIN/ACK. A pcap listener is started, most ports will send a combination of a ACK, PSH/ACK, or FIN/ACK. If either of these packets is received the confidence score will be raised by one and the port will be flagged as open.

  2. MSS Option Scan: If the filtering device has been configured in a certain way, sometimes legitimate ports are allowed in before the syn-flood protection can take place. Sometimes the MSS TCP option size will be different on the open ports and the closed ports. If this is the case you can use "-m " and essentially perform a SYN scan. If the SYN/ACK's MSS size received from the target is the same as the specified size, the port will be flagged as open. Most of the time you'll want to set this to '1460' as that is most common.

Sample Usage

Standard connect scan:

    ./mook -p 1-1024 -t 150

MSS Option Scan:

    ./mook -m 1460 -n -p 1-1024 -t 150


    ./mook -m 1460 -p 1-1024 -t 150

In addition to the scan types above, use the '-c' and '-r' options when you initially discover a syn-proxying gateway. One situation where these come in handy is where you encounter a device that behaves differently than the standard. For instance, a F5 BIG-IP will send an additional ACK once the 3-way handshake has been completed. This can be taken care of by simply specify a minimum confidence of 2 i.e.: '-c 2'

Detailed Scan:

    ./mook -p 1-1024 -c 2 -r -t 150

TCP Flag Details

Typical SYN Scan

Open Port

    client ---- syn -------> server
    client <--- syn/ack ---- server

Closed Port

    client ---- syn -------> server
    client <----rst -------  server

Filtered Port

    client ---- syn -------> server
    *no reply

SYN scan through a gateway with syn-flood protections

Open Port

     client ---- syn -------> server
     client <--- syn/ack ---- gateway

Closed Port

    client ---- syn -------> server
    client <--- syn/ack----  gateway

Filtered Port

    client ---- syn -------> server
    client <--- syn/ack ---- gateway

Mook Connect Scan

3-way handshake
    client ---- syn -------- server   
    client <--- syn/ack ---- server         
    client ---- ack -------- server 
client closes connection
    client ---- fin/ack ---- server
Either one of these flags will raise the "confidence" level of the port and flag it as open
    client <--- ack ------- server         
    client <--- psh/ack --- server    
    client <--- fin/ack --- server