implementation in scala
- Automatic generation of jsonapi json writers with relationship handling for case classes
- Tested to work on Scala 2.11.12 or 2.12.10
- Macro paradise plugin. Add
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full)
into your build.sbt somewhere
import _root_.spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import com.qvantel.jsonapi._
implicit val apiRoot: ApiRoot = ApiRoot(None)
@jsonApiResource final case class Employee(id: String, name: String)
@jsonApiResource final case class Company(id: String, name: String, employees: ToMany[Employee])
val acme = Company("1", "acme", ToMany.loaded(Seq(Employee("1", "number one 1"))))
val json = rawOne(acme)
val parsed = readOne[Company](json, Set("employees"))
acme == parsed // true
or see
- loop handing on reader side (relationship path has to be given manually)
There is a very generic JsonApiClient interface for implementing a simple client interface for handling the http query writing side of this
The subproject "akka-client" has an implementation of this using akka-http
The subproject "http4s-client" has an implementation of this using http4s
import com.qvantel.jsonapi.JsonApiClient
val jac = JsonApiClient.instance // won't work if you don't have an actual implementations stuff in scope. See setup.
val one: IO[Option[BillingAccount]] =[BillingAccount]("ba1")
val many: IO[List[BillingAccount]] = jac.many[BillingAccount](Set("ba1", "ba2"))
// can also load includes at the same time
val withIncludes =[BillingAccount]("ba1", Set("customer-account"))
// includes can also be loaded on their own with a method
val ba: OptionT[IO, BillingAccount] = OptionT([BillingAccount]("ba"))
val ca: OptionT[IO, CustomerAccount] = ba.semiflatMap(_.customerAccount.load)
// filtering support
val filtered = jac.filter[BillingAccount]("some nice filter string here")
// needs ActorSystem and Materializer for akka-http
// the ApiEndPoint is used to as the "root" where to launch queries
import com.netaporter.uri.dsl._
import com.qvantel.jsonapi.ApiEndpoint
import com.qvantel.jsonapi.JsonApiClient
import com.qvantel.jsonapi.client.akka.AkkaClient._
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val endpoint: ApiEndpoint = ApiEndpoint.Static("http://localhost:8080/api")
val jac = JsonApiClient.instance
Setup for http4s client
import com.netaporter.uri.dsl._
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.http4s.client.blaze.Http1Client
import cats.effect.IO
import com.qvantel.jsonapi.ApiEndpoint
import com.qvantel.jsonapi.JsonApiClient
import com.qvantel.jsonapi.client.http4s.Http4sClient._
import com.qvantel.jsonapi.client.http4s.JsonApiInstances._
implicit val endpoint: ApiEndpoint = ApiEndpoint.Static("http://localhost:8080/api")
implicit val client: Client[IO] = Http1Client[IO]().unsafeRunSync()
val jac = JsonApiClient.instance