Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Introduction 👋

This repository evaluates the performance of DeepFASORT: DeepSORT where re-identification images are feature amplified before being turned into an embedded vector. The feature amplification is done by introducing a pose model.

We analyze the performance of sevent different configurations where we make changes to:

  • Training of Self-Learning (SL) pose
  • Training of FA embedding network

Findings 🔍

A summary of our findings where we pick the top performing pose and SL pose model to compare against DeepSORT is below:

DeepSORT 48.1% 50.2% 92.2% 1199
pose210-reid6 46.9% 45.8% 81.0% 3140
SLpose12-reid6 45.2% 38.7% 64.0% 5922

A through review of all our findings is found on Keypoint_Based_DeepFASORT.pdf.

Environment 🌴

The steps I followed to create this environment are shown in requirements/original_installation_env.sh.

Reproducibility 🌀

We used the mmtracking and mmpose frameworks to train and evaluate performance. Each framework requires its own data formatting and training the mmpose and reid each requires using a cropped bounding boxes and cropped bounding boxes with feature amplification respectively.

Due to this, there is a good amount of pre-processing work that must be done before evaluating performance.

After you complete all the steps, your environment should look like below:

└─ configs/
	├── body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/coco/hrnet_w48_coco_256x192_vdeepfasort.py # mmpose self-learning cfg ($CONFIG)
	├── mot/deepfasort # mmpose self-learning cfg ($CONFIG)
	├	├── deepsort_faster-rcnn_fpn_4e_mot17-public-half.py # deepsort
	├	├── deepfasort_mmpose-pretrained_faster-rcnn_fpn_4e_mot17-public-half.py # deepfasort with pretrained mmpose
	├	├── deepfasort_mmpose-selftrained_faster-rcnn_fpn_4e_mot17-public-half.py # deepfasort with selflearned mmpose
	├	├── deepfasort_mmpose-selftrained_fareid_faster-rcnn_fpn_4e_mot17-public-half.py # deepfasort with selflearned mmpose and fa trained reid
	├── reid/
	├	├── resnet50_b32x8_MOT17.py # reid train cfg ($REID_CFG)
	├	├── resnet50_b32x8_faMOT17.py # fa reid train cfg ($FAREID_CFG)
└─ work_dirs/ # dir contains weights to be produced
	├── hrnet_w48_coco_256x192_vdeepfasort.pth # self-learned mmpose weights
	├── resnet50_b32x8_faMOT17.pth # fa trained reid weights
	├── resnet50_b32x8_MOT17.pth # trained reid weights
└─ data/MOT17/ 
	├── reid/
	├	├── faimgs/
	├	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN_000002/
	├	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN_000003/
	├	├	├── . . .
	├	├── imgs/
	├	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN_000002/
	├	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN_000003/
	├	├	├── . . .
	├	├── meta/
	├	├	├── train.txt # $REID_TRAIN_TXT
	├	├	├── train_80_coco.json # $REID_TRAIN_COCO
	├	├	├── train_80_kp_coco.json # $REID_TRAIN_KP_COCO
	├	├	├── train_80_self_learning_kp_coco.json # $REID_TRAIN_SL_KP_COCO
	├	├	├── train_80.txt
	├	├	├── train_20.txt
	├── test/
	├	├── MOT17-01-DPM/
	├	├── MOT17-01-FRCNN/
	├	├── . . .
	├── train_split/
	├	├── half-train_cocoformat.json
	├	├── half-train_detections.pkl
	├	├── . . .
	├── train/
	├	├── MOT17-02-DPM/
	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN/
	├	├── . . .

Dataset 📁

To train and validate our results, we use the MOT17 dataset. Since this method is exclusively focused on the embedding aspect of DeepSORT, using MOT17 has the added benefit that it comes with bounding box detections from three different detection model (dpm, frcnn, and sdp).

To self-train our mmpose model, there are many different conversions and splits that we must due to MOT17.

To help you keep track of all the conversions/splits, after following this sections, you should have the following directory structure:

└─ reid/ # $REID
	├── faimgs/ # $REID_FAIMGS
	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN_000002/
	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN_000003/
	├	├── . . .
	├── imgs/ # $REID_IMGS
	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN_000002/
	├	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN_000003/
	├	├── . . .
	├── meta/ 
	├	├── train.txt # $REID_TRAIN_TXT
	├	├── train_80_coco.json # $REID_TRAIN_COCO
	├	├── train_80_kp_coco.json # $REID_TRAIN_KP_COCO
	├	├── train_80_self_learning_kp_coco.json # $REID_TRAIN_SL_KP_COCO
	├	├── train_80.txt
	├	├── train_20.txt
└─ test/
	├── MOT17-01-DPM/
	├── MOT17-01-FRCNN/
	├── . . .
└─ train_split/ # $TRAIN_SPLIT
	├── half-train_cocoformat.json
	├── half-train_detections.pkl
	├── . . .
└─ train/
	├── MOT17-02-DPM/
	├── MOT17-02-FRCNN/
	├── . . .

For the initial configuration, the commented env variables are defined below:

MOT17=./data/MOT17 # put path where data lives

To start, let's download the MOT17 dataset:

wget https://motchallenge.net/data/MOT17.zip -P data/
unzip data/MOT17.zip -d data/

Then, since the MOT17 test ground-truths are not publically available, we split the training set into upper-half (train) and lower-half (validation):

python ./tools/convert_datasets/mot/mot2coco.py -i $MOT17 -o $TRAIN_SPLIT --convert-det --split-train

Since we want to self-train the mmpose model with only the re-embedded images, we need to extract each bounding box in the MOT17 training set:

python tools/convert_datasets/mot/mot2reid.py -i $MOT17 -o $REID --val-split 0.2 --vis-threshold 0.3

Now, convert the ReID dataset to coco format (format required to run with mmpose):

python reid_to_coco.py --input-file=$REID_TRAIN --output-file=$REID_TRAIN_COCO --image-root=$REID_IMGS 

Now, preprocess all reid train images using your mmpose model to extract keypoint predictions and feature amplified cropped images:

python mmpose_preprocess.py --device=$DEVICE --img-root=$REID_IMGS --json-file=$REID_TRAIN_COCO --output-dir=$REID_FAIMGS --json-output=$REID_TRAIN_KP_COCO

Now, filter $REID_TRAIN_KP_COCO to only include images above or equal to a certain threshold for self-learning mmpose:

python filter_dataset.py --json-input=$REID_TRAIN_KP_COCO --img-root=$REID_IMGS --threshold=$THRESHOLD --json-output=$REID_TRAIN_SL_KP_COCO 

Training 💪

There are three weights we need to produce:

  • mmpose self-learning on reid images
  • reid trained on reid images
  • reid trained on feature amplified reid images

To do this, we will use three cfgs and will produce three different weights files (in *.pth format). The structure should be like below:

└─ configs/mot/deepfasort
	├── body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/coco/hrnet_w48_coco_256x192_vdeepfasort.py # mmpose self-learning cfg ($CONFIG)
	├── reid/
	├	├── resnet50_b32x8_MOT17.py # reid train cfg ($REID_CFG)
	├	├── resnet50_b32x8_faMOT17.py # fa reid train cfg ($FAREID_CFG)
└─ work_dirs/ # dir contains weights to be produced
	├── hrnet_w48_coco_256x192_vdeepfasort.pth # self-learned mmpose weights
	├── resnet50_b32x8_faMOT17.pth # fa trained reid weights
	├── resnet50_b32x8_MOT17.pth # trained reid weights
	├── train_fareid/work_dirs/ # trained fareid weights

Env variables are defined below:


Let's produce the weights:

# self-train mmpose model
python mmpose_train.py --config=$CONFIG --work-dir ./work_dirs/ --no-validate

# train reid model (we skipped this step and just used pre-trained weights)
python ./tools/train.py $REID_CFG --work-dir ./work_dirs/

# fa-train reid model
python ./tools/train.py $FAREID_CFG --work-dir ./work_dirs/

Evaluation ✏️

└─ configs/mot/deepfasort/
	├── deepsort_faster-rcnn_fpn_4e_mot17-public-half.py # deepsort
	├── deepfasort_mmpose-pretrained_faster-rcnn_fpn_4e_mot17-public-half.py # deepfasort with pretrained mmpose
	├── deepfasort_mmpose-selftrained_faster-rcnn_fpn_4e_mot17-public-half.py # deepfasort with selflearned mmpose
	├── deepfasort_mmpose-selftrained_fareid_faster-rcnn_fpn_4e_mot17-public-half.py # deepfasort with selflearned mmpose and fa trained reid
└─ work_dirs/ # dir contains weights to be produced
	├── hrnet_w48_coco_256x192_vdeepfasort.pth # self-learned mmpose weights
	├── resnet50_b32x8_faMOT17.pth # fa trained reid weights
	├── resnet50_b32x8_MOT17.pth # trained reid weights

Env variables are below:


Now that we have our dataset and weights, we will now evaluate our models on the MOT17 lower-half split of the MOT17 training dataset:

# evaluate DeepSORT
python tools/test.py $DS_CFG --eval track bbox

# evaluate DeepSORT with pretrained mmpose
python tools/test.py $DFS_PRETRAINED_CFG --eval track bbox

# evaluate DeepSORT with pretrained-selflearned-mmpose
python tools/test.py $DFS_SL_CFG --eval track bbox

# evaluate DeepSORT with pretrained-selflearned-mmpose and fa-trained reid
python tools/test.py $DFS_SL_FAREID_CFG --eval track bbox