
Smart plants watering based on temperature & humidity

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Smart Plant Watering

Using this project you can water your plant/s automatically considering external temperature, humidity, light and weather conditions. Also you can use this as a home weather station and check temperature, humidity and lightness from your cellphone or computer just using a browser..

Are you leaving on vacation and nobody is available to water your plants.... this project will help!


ESP8266 NodeMCU
DHT11 sensor (Temperature & Humidity)
Light sensor
Box / Container
Water pump (5v - 12V)
small diameter transparent clear soft hose (may vary based on your water pump connectors)

Currently there are two "stable" releases (feel free to submit bugs/comments if you if find any, so that will help to make it more "stable")

Version 1.03 - uses a local web server runningo on ESP8266 so you can check all measurements through the web (i.e. from your cellphone or computer).

View more details on https://www.instructables.com/id/Smart-Plant-Watering

Version 2.03 - optimized to be running on batteries, so it uses deep sleep mode and publish data to ThingSpeak portal so you can check information from that site.

View more details on https://www.instructables.com/id/Smart-Plant-Watering-Using-ThingSpeaks-and-Powered/
For example, I am using this ThingSpeaks channel to publish data from my current smart plant watering esp8266: https://thingspeak.com/channels/504661

Thank you!