
FORK of ajv-cli

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Command line interface for ajv, one of the fastest json schema validators.

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npm install ajv-cli


ajv help
ajv help validate
ajv help compile
ajv help test

Validate data

This command validates data files against JSON-schema

ajv validate -s test/schema.json -d test/valid_data.json
ajv -s test/schema.json -d test/valid_data.json

You can omit validate command name and .json from the input file names.


-s - file name of JSON-schema

Only one schema can be passed in this parameter

-d - JSON data

Multiple data files can be passed, as in -r parameter:

ajv -s test/schema.json -d "test/valid*.json"

If some file is invalid exit code will be 1.

-r - referenced schemas

The schema in -s parameter can reference any of these schemas with $ref keyword.

Multiple schemas can be passed both by using this parameter mupltiple times and with glob patterns. Glob pattern should be quoted and extensions cannot be omitted.

-m - meta-schemas

Schemas can use any of these schemas as a meta-schema (that is the schema used in $schema keyword - it is used to validate the schema itself).

Multiple meta-schemas can be passed, as in -r parameter.


  • --errors=: error reporting format. Possible values:

    • js (default): JavaScript object
    • json: JSON with indentation and line-breaks
    • line: JSON without indentaion/line-breaks (for easy parsing)
    • text: human readable error messages with data paths
  • --changes=: detect changes in data after validation.
    Data can be modifyed with Ajv options --remove-additional, --use-defaults and --coerce-types).
    The changes are reported in JSON-patch format (RFC6902).
    Possible values are js (default), json and line (see --errors option).

Compile schemas

This command validates and compiles schema without validating any data.

It can be used to check that the schema is valid and to create a standalone module exporting validation function (using ajv-pack).

ajv compile -s schema
ajv compile -s schema -o validate.js


-s - file name(s) of JSON-schema(s)

Multiple schemas can be passed both by using this parameter mupltiple times and with glob patterns.

ajv compile -s "test/schema*.json"
-o - output file for compiled validation function module

Only a single schema can be compiled with this option.

ajv compile -s "schema.json" -o "validate_schema.js"
-r - referenced schemas

The schema in -s parameter can reference any of these schemas with $ref keyword.

Multiple schemas can be passed, as in -s parameter.

-m - meta-schemas

Schemas can use any of these schemas as a meta-schema (that is the schema used in $schema keyword - it is used to validate the schema itself).

Multiple meta-schemas can be passed, as in -s parameter.

Test validation result

This command asserts that the result of the validation is as expected.

ajv test -s test/schema.json -d test/valid_data.json --valid
ajv test -s test/schema.json -d test/invalid_data.json --invalid

If the option --valid (--invalid) is used for the test to pass (exit code 0) the data file(s) should be valid (invalid).

This command supports the same options and parameters as validate with the exception of --changes.

Ajv options

You can pass the following Ajv options:

Option Description
--v5 support v5 proposals
--all-errors collect all errors
--verbose include schema and data in errors
--json-pointers report data paths in errors using JSON-pointers
--unique-items=false do not validate uniqueItems keyword
--unicode=false count unicode pairs as 2 characters
--format=full format mode
--missing-refs= handle missing referenced schemas (true/ignore/fail)
--remove-additional remove additional properties (true/all/failing)
--use-defaults replace missing properties/items with the values from default keyword
--coerce-types change type of data to match type keyword
--multiple-of-precision precision of multipleOf, pass integer number
--error-data-path=property data path in errors
--messages=false do not include text messages in errors

Options can be passed in either dash-case and camelCase.

See Ajv Options for more information.

Version History

See https://github.com/jessedc/ajv-cli/releases
