
Data lock mechanisms available on AWS.

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AWS Data Integrity

Set of Data Integrity features provided by AWS services as a requirement for AWS Security.

The following services provide data integrity features:

Additionally, Legal Hold is available for S3 and Backup Vault.

Legal Holds

Can be applied to:

  • S3 Object lock legal hold (requires S3 object lock to be enabled). Object-level setting.
  • AWS Backup legal hold (does not require vault lock). Prevents backups from being deleted for duration of lock. All or selected backups.

Pre-requisite: Infrastructure Setup

Copy the sample variables file:

cp config/sample.tfvars .auto.tfvars

Toggle which module to create:

toggle_create_s3      = true
toggle_create_glacier = false
toggle_create_backup  = false

To create the baseline infrastructure, apply the configuration:

terraform init
terraform apply

S3 Object Lock

Key properties of this feature:

  • Objects are immutable during a retention period.
  • Can apply only for NEW buckets on creation. Not possible to apply this for existing buckets.
  • Requires and automatically enables versioning, and it is not possible to pause or disable it either.
  • New objects inherit default bucket settings, if defined. Retention period is applied on an object-by-object basis.

There are two retention period modes:

  • Governance - Objects are immutable. However, authorization is granted via the s3:BypassGovernanceRetention action.
  • Compliance - No one is allowed to change the object until the lock has expired. Not even the AWS Account Root user.

S3 Object Legal Hold prevents objects from being deleted or overwritten while active.

Retention period type GOVERNANCE

While no retention period is defined, it is possible to apply changes to the objects.

Upload a new version v2 of the file:

aws s3api put-object --bucket bucketdataintegritysandbox789 --key "important.txt" --body "artifacts/important-v2.txt"

Now, apply an object retention period for the object:

ℹ️ Modify the value for RetainUntilDate accordingly.

aws s3api put-object-retention \
    --bucket bucketdataintegritysandbox789 \
    --key "important.txt" \
    --retention '{ "Mode": "GOVERNANCE", "RetainUntilDate": "2023-08-20T20:40:00-03:00" }'

With a test user that does not have s3:BypassGovernanceRetention, try again to create a new object v3 version:

aws s3api put-object --bucket bucketdataintegritysandbox789 --key "important.txt" --body "artifacts/important-v3.txt"

You should expect a failure at this point. Only users with s3:BypassGovernanceRetention can perform this operation or delete the object.

Retention period type COMPLIANCE

This section will use the same object key important.txt, so first it is necessary to remove the retention:

💡 Using --bypass-governance-retention toggle to allow this operation

aws s3api put-object-retention \
    --bucket bucketdataintegritysandbox789 \
    --key "important.txt" \
    --retention '{ }' \

ℹ️ Setting the RetainUntilDate value must be done with attention. It's not possible revert this action until the retention period is done.

aws s3api put-object-retention \
    --bucket bucketdataintegritysandbox789 \
    --key "important.txt" \
    --retention '{ "Mode": "COMPLIANCE", "RetainUntilDate": "2023-08-20T20:40:00-03:00" }'

It is NOT possible to disable COMPLIANCE retention periods. This should return Access Denied:

aws s3api put-object-retention \
    --bucket bucketdataintegritysandbox789 \
    --key "important.txt" \
    --retention '{ }' \

Legal Hold

Legal holds will prevent the objects from being deleted or overwritten:

aws s3api put-object-legal-hold \
    --bucket bucketdataintegritysandbox789 \
    --key "important.txt" \
    --legal-hold Status=ON

Deleting this object version with Legal Hold is not permitted.

S3 Glacier Vault Lock

  • Operates with a Resource Policy.
  • Denies anyone the DeleteArchive unless conditions are met.
  • Used in addition to IAM or vault access policies.

When a lock is applied it stays for "In-progress" state for 24 hours. It is possible to teste everything during this period.

🚨 Vault lock policy cannot be modified or deleted after confirmation.

As shown in the print bellow, Terraform will create the Glacier Vault along with the Vault Lock policy.

ℹ️ Created with complete_lock = false so it will automatically expire after 24h.

To test it, upload an archive:

aws glacier upload-archive --account-id ... --vault-name dataintegritysandboxglacier789 --body "artifacts/archive.txt"

Now try deleting the archive:

aws glacier delete-archive \
    --account-id ...  \
    --vault-name dataintegritysandboxglacier789 \
    --archive-id ...

An explicit deny error should be returned.

After deleting the vault lock policy, trying again should allow the operation to go through.

Check the documentation for Glacier vault lock policies.

AWS Backup Vault Lock

AWS Backup Vault Locks will prevents backups in the vault from being deleted until lock expiration.

There is a difference between these retention periods:

  • Backup Job retention period - Defines how long a backup job should be retained.
  • Backup Vault Lock retention period - Retention period backup job.

Enabling the vault lock will also protect the Backup Vault from being deleted indefinitely, unlike Glacier.

Same as with S3 locks, there are retention modes:

  • Governance - Users may be authorized to delete objects or vault with special grants.
  • Compliance - Enables with start date (at least 3 days in the future). During this grace period the lock may be modified or removed. After this, the vault is immutable, and no one can delete backups or delete/manage the vault, forever. Only terminating the AWS account.

Vault Lock hands-on

Terraform will create a DynamoDB and a backup for it, with a vault lock already running in grace time:

Start an on-demand backup job for the DynamoDB table:

aws backup start-backup-job \
    --backup-vault-name "DynamoDBVault" \
    --resource-arn "dynamo-arn" \
    --iam-role-arn "role-arn"

While locks are active, it is not possible to delete recovery points:

Legal Hold

Additionally, it is possible to apply a Legal Hold: