
ElasticaCache Redis deployment with ECS Fargate

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

AWS ECS Fargate + ElastiCache Redis

ElastiCache Redis deployment being accessed by an application running on ECS Fargate:

Running on AWS

To apply the infrastructure locally, first create a .auto.tfvars file:

redis_auth_token = "asd90f87abcxz7c80fsda"

Apply the resources:

terraform -chdir="aws" init
terraform -chdir="aws" apply -auto-approve

After the deployment, test the enqueue mechanism. Check CW Logs for the results:

curl -X POST http://lb-supercache-0000000000.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com/enqueue

The Redis instance is configured with encryption in transit and password authentication.


In order to test the application locally, run a Redis container:

docker run -d --name redis-local -p 6379:6379 redis

In the application directory, create the .env file for local development:


Run the application:

npm install
npm run dev

Send a test message to the Redis queue:

curl -X POST localhost/enqueue