Logging and instrumentation with Monitor services network isolation using Private Link.
This service connection allow an application to send logs, telemetry, and other data, to Azure Monitor via a private connection.
It is possible to control send data
and query
public connectivity separately.
Copy the .auto.tfvars
template file:
cp infra/config/template.tfvars infra/.auto.tfvars
Create the resources:
terraform -chdir="infra" init
terraform -chdir="infra" apply -auto-approve
Run the script to build and push the docker image to ACR:
bash app/acrBuildPush.sh
Once AppSrv pulls and runs the container, call the application endpoint /monitor
to check metrics and logs being sent to Azure Monitor via a private connection.
Create the Azure Monitor resources for testing locally:
# Upgrade Bicep
az bicep upgrade
# Create the resources
az deployment sub create \
--location brazilsouth \
--template-file dev/main.bicep \
--parameters rgLocation=brazilsouth
For local development, enter the app
cd app
Configure and connect your local session to Azure Monitor:
source appiSetup.sh
Start the application:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Test the endpoint:
# Basic check
curl localhost:8080/hello
# Write to standard out and check Monitor
curl localhost:8080/monitor