
Demo SPL Token whitelist using Metaplex Candy Machine v2 & Gumdrop

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

How to: Candy Machine v2 Whitelist

tags: metaplex whitelist

A comprehensive, step-by-step tutorial, for you to launch your NFT project with whitelist using Candy Machine V2, SPL Tokens, and Gumdrop.

Developer->SPL: 1. Create/mint token
Developer->CandyMachine: 2. Create/upload assets + wl settings
Developer->Gumdrop: 3. Create & set the whitelist
Gumdrop->User: Distribution
User->ClaimSite: Claim tokens
ClaimSite-->User: tokens
User->MintSite: Initiate the Mint
User->CandyMachine: Mint NFT using token
CandyMachine-->User: NFT

:::info :information_source: You should always read the official docs and keep up with the community updates. :::

Environment Setup

Install the required tools as described in the official guide.

:::spoiler Versions & Downloads

You'll need all of these installed (don't need to be exact versions):

$ git version
git version 2.34.1

$ node --version

$ yarn --version

$ ts-node --version

$ solana --version
solana-cli 1.8.11 (src:423a4d65; feat:2385070269)

Download links:

Only need Solana CLI? Run this bad boy:

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/stable/install)"

I'm running on WSL2 Ubuntu:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal


Environment Variables

Setup the variables we'll need for this example:

# Environment
export ENV='devnet'
export URL='https://api.devnet.solana.com'
export KEYPAIR="$HOME/.config/solana/devnet.json"
export RPC='https://api.devnet.solana.com'

# Candy Machine
export EXTRAS='./extras'
export CONFIG="$EXTRAS/config.json"
export WHITELIST="$EXTRAS/whitelist.json"

# Collection
export ASSETS="$EXTRAS/assets"

:::spoiler Setup your free custom RPC provider (Optional for this tutorial)

This tutorial uses an RPC provider on all commands. Create a free one on Figment:

  1. Sign up to Figment here: https://datahub.figment.io/sign_up?service=solana
  2. Find and copy your API Key and the base URL.
  3. Set this URL as your RPC variable:
    export RPC='https://solana--devnet.datahub.figment.io/apikey/<YOUR API KEY>'


Create your Treasury Wallet

Create and fund your wallet:

solana config set --url $URL
solana config set --keypair $KEYPAIR

solana-keygen new --outfile $KEYPAIR
solana airdrop 2 --keypair $KEYPAIR

💡 Copy the public key - you'll need it later.

You can always get the public key later:

solana-keygen pubkey

Create the SPL Token

Whitelisted users will be allowed to mint using SPL Tokens which will serve as an exchange currency. Create the token:

spl-token create-token --decimals 0

💡 Copy the token - you'll need it later.

Store the output value and set the token address variable like this:


Mint the tokens:

spl-token create-account $SPL_TOKEN
spl-token mint $SPL_TOKEN 10

# Consider disabling the mint when you're done
spl-token authorize $SPL_TOKEN mint --disable

For mainnet you should register the token.

Candy Machine Configuration

Get the Metaplex code, then install the dependencies:

git clone 'git@github.com:metaplex-foundation/metaplex.git'

cd metaplex
yarn install --cwd ./js/

Create the extras directory and the config.json:

mkdir extras
touch ./extras/config.json

Copy/paste the following JSON content into config.json:

  "price": 0.5,
  "number": 10,
  "gatekeeper": null,
  "solTreasuryAccount": "<YOUR WALLET ADDRESS>",
  "splTokenAccount": null,
  "splToken": null,
  "goLiveDate": "30 Jan 2022 00:00:00 UTC",
  "endSettings": null,
  "whitelistMintSettings": {
    "mode": {
      "burnEveryTime": true
    "mint": "<SPL TOKEN>",
    "presale": true,
    "discountPrice": 0.33
  "hiddenSettings": null,
  "storage": "arweave",
  "ipfsInfuraProjectId": null,
  "ipfsInfuraSecret": null,
  "awsS3Bucket": null,
  "noRetainAuthority": false,
  "noMutable": false

▶️ Update config.json with your custom configuration:

  • solTreasuryAccount - The public key of the keypair of the Treasury Account.
  • goLiveDate - Set a date in the future to allow for the whitelist behavior.
  • whitelistMintSettings.mint - This is the SPL Token created earlier.

Notice that the discountPrice is 0.33. It will override the price 0.5 only for the whitelist.

Check out the official docs to learn more about these configurations.

Prepare the Assets

Download the sample assets:

wget -O 'assets.tar.gz' https://github.com/epomatti/cmv2-whitelist/blob/main/assets.tar.gz?raw=true
tar -xzf assets.tar.gz --directory $EXTRAS

▶️ Update all JSON files under ./extras/assets

For this example, change properties.creators.address value to your Treasury Account public key.

Create the Candy Machine 🍬

This command will create the candy machine and upload all assets.

ts-node ./js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts upload \
  --env $ENV \
  --keypair $KEYPAIR \
  --config-path $CONFIG \
  --rpc-url $RPC \

💡 Wait for all assets to be uploaded, then copy the candy machine ID - you'll need it later

For more info on the metadata check the official docs.

:::info :information_source: The number of NFTs cannot be changed later, so make sure to get it right on mainnet :::

Verify the uploads:

ts-node ./js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts verify_upload \
  --env $ENV \
  --keypair $KEYPAIR \
  --rpc-url $RPC

You need an output like this before going forward:

Key size 10
uploaded (10) out of (10)
ready to deploy!

:::spoiler Click here if you need to Upload the candy machine

# If you make changes in the "config.json"
ts-node ./js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts update_candy_machine \
  --env $ENV \
  --keypair $KEYPAIR \
  --config-path $CONFIG \
  --rpc-url $RPC


Create the Gumdrop

On this tutorial we're using gumdrop but you may use other means for token distribution.

Create the whitelist.json file which will hold the list of whitelisted users:

touch ./extras/whitelist.json

Copy and paste the following content into the whitelist.json:

    "handle": "<USER WALLET>",
    "amount": 1

▶️ Now change the handle property value to the user wallet.

The handle here is the public wallet address of the user that will be whitelisted. You can create a new one in your Phantom wallet connected to the devnet network.

▶️ Add funds to the new user wallets: https://solfaucet.com/

:::spoiler Demo: Create a Phantom user wallet on devnet :::

:::info :information_source: Read the official docs to learn more about other distribution methods (email, SMS, ...) :::

Here we'll use the Token Airdrop drop type supported by CMv2.

Create the gumdrop:

ts-node ./js/packages/cli/src/gumdrop-cli.ts create \
  --env $ENV \
  --keypair $KEYPAIR \
  --rpc-url $RPC \
  --claim-integration "transfer" \
  --transfer-mint $SPL_TOKEN \
  --distribution-method "wallets" \
  --otp-auth "disable" \
  --distribution-list $WHITELIST

💡 Copy the gumdrop ID - you'll need it later.

:::info :information_source: Real launches should consider a custom --host deployment. Check the gumdrop docs. :::

URL Claim the SPL Token

Under the ./logs folder the URLs have been generated in the devnet-urls.json file.

▶️ Open the URL and claim your token

Users will claim their own tokens using this URL and use their tokens as proof for whitelist privileges while minting their NFTs.

:::spoiler Demo: Claiming the token with a user wallet :::

Setup the Minting Frontend


🚀 Updated to use the newly released Candy Machine UI module. :::

The frontend is available at ./js/packages/candy-machine-ui.

export CANDYUI='./js/packages/candy-machine-ui'

cp "$CANDYUI/.env.example" "$CANDYUI/.env"

▶️ Edit the .env file with your own configuration:


If you're using a custom RPC server, change that too.

Now install & start your minting frontend:

yarn --cwd $CANDYUI install
yarn --cwd $CANDYUI start

:::spoiler Click here if you forgot your Candy Machine ID

Run this to see your Candy Machine configuration:

ts-node ./js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts show \
  --env $ENV \
  --keypair $KEYPAIR \
  --rpc-url $RPC

Copy the ID:


Mint an NFT providing your SPL Token

Whitelisted users will then connect to the minting site and mint the NFT.

They will exchange the token as part of the whitelist + the SOL price configured in the config.json discount property.

▶️ Site should be running here: http://localhost:3000

As expected, the whitelist price is 0.33 SOL and the SPL Token is removed from the user wallet.

:::info :information_source: Opened this issue to fix the displayed price, as it should be aware of the discount. :::

Close the Gumdrop

Finally, once the whitelist launch is over, you should close the gumdrop:

ts-node ./js/packages/cli/src/gumdrop-cli.ts close \
  --env $ENV \
  --keypair $KEYPAIR \
  --rpc-url $RPC \
  --claim-integration "transfer" \
  --transfer-mint $SPL_TOKEN \
  --base '.log/devnet-XXXXXXXXXXXXX.json'

Check the official docs for this closing behavior.

I hope you find this article useful.

Let me know of any fixes in the comments, or reach out on Twitter: @EvandroPomatti