
mTLS implementation

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Mutual TLS

Fully functional mTLS implementation with Java Spring Boot. The solution is represented by these two entities: Enterprise (client) and the Bank (server).


👉 Before running the application all setup steps must be executed

Add the DNS configuration to the /etc/hosts/ files.

ℹ️ If using WSL, edit the Windows hosts file as well as it replaces the WSL file on reboot

localhost    api.bank.local
::1          api.bank.local

Initiate the server:

./mvnw spring-boot:run

Initiate the client application:

mvn package
mvn exec:exec


To check for dependencies and plugins updates:

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
mvn versions:display-plugin-updates

The following sections will demonstrate how to set up the infrastructure prior to running the applications.

1 - Create the Server PKI

Change to the Bank PKI directory:

cd pki/bank

Initialize the directory structure:

bash init.sh

Create the Root CA:

Use password 1234

openssl req -new \
    -config root.conf \
    -out csr/bank-root.csr \
    -keyout private/bank-root.key

Self-sign the Root CA certificate:

Use the previous password, and accept the prompts

openssl ca -selfsign \
    -config root.conf \
    -in csr/bank-root.csr \
    -out certs/bank-root.crt

Create and sign the server certificate:

# Private key
openssl genrsa -out ./private/bank-server.key 4096

openssl req -config ./server.conf -key ./private/bank-server.key -subj '/CN=api.bank.local' -new -sha256 -out ./csr/bank-server.csr

# Sign
openssl ca -batch -config ./root.conf -passin pass:1234 -extfile server.conf -extensions v3_req -days 30 -notext -md sha256 -in ./csr/bank-server.csr -out ./certs/bank-server.crt

Create the bundle to will be used by the Spring Boot server application:

The key alias within the keystore will be 1. The noiter and nomaciter options must be specified to allow the generated KeyStore to be recognized properly by JSSE. Use password 1234

openssl pkcs12 -inkey ./private/bank-server.key -in ./certs/bank-root.crt -in ./certs/bank-server.crt -export -out ./bundles/keystore.p12 \
       -noiter -nomaciter

Copy the #PKCS12 bundle to server application directory:

cp bundles/keystore.p12 ../../server/

Copy the Root CA to the client directory:

cp certs/bank-root.crt ../../client/

2 - Create the Client PKI

Change to the Enterprise PKI directory:

cd pki/enterprise

Initialize the directory structure:

bash init.sh

Create the Root CA:

Use password 1234

openssl req -new \
    -config root.conf \
    -out csr/enterprise-root.csr \
    -keyout private/enterprise-root.key

Self-sign the Root CA certificate:

Use the previous password, and accept the prompts

openssl ca -selfsign \
    -config root.conf \
    -in csr/enterprise-root.csr \
    -out certs/enterprise-root.crt

Create and sign the client certificate:

# Private key
openssl genrsa -out ./private/enterprise-client.key 4096

openssl req -config ./client.conf -key ./private/enterprise-client.key -subj '/CN=client.enterprise.local' -new -sha256 -out ./csr/enterprise-client.csr

# Sign
openssl ca -batch -config ./root.conf -passin pass:1234 -extfile client.conf -extensions v3_req -days 30 -notext -md sha256 -in ./csr/enterprise-client.csr -out ./certs/enterprise-client.crt

Copy the certificates and client key to the client directory:

cp certs/enterprise-root.crt ../../client/
cp certs/enterprise-client.crt ../../client/
cp private/enterprise-client.key ../../client/

TODO: Implement client truststore

keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file bank-root.crt -storepass secret -keystore keystore.jks -alias "root.bank.local"

Create and copy the truststore to the server directory:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file certs/enterprise-root.crt -alias EnterpriseRootCA -keystore bundles/truststore.jks -storepass 123456

cp  bundles/truststore.jks ../../server/

Quick client test:

# From the client directory
curl --cert enterprise-client.crt --key enterprise-client.key --cacert bank-root.crt https://api.bank.local:8443


Verifying the contents of requests and certificates:

openssl req -text -noout -verify -in ./csr/bank-server.csr | grep 'DNS'
openssl req -text -noout -verify -in ./csr/bank-server.csr
openssl x509 -text -noout -in ./certs/bank-server.crt

Verify TLS trust with the root CA:

# ❌ This should fail
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect api.bank.local:8443

# ✅ This should work
openssl s_client -showcerts -CAfile certs/bank-root.crt -connect api.bank.local:8443

Verify with client testing:

openssl s_client -cert ./enterprise-client.crt -key ./enterprise-client.key -CAfile bank-root.crt -connect api.bank.local:8443

curl --cert enterprise-client.crt --key enterprise-client.key --cacert bank-root.crt https://api.bank.local:8443

Quick SSL tests can be performed at https://badssl.com/.

Wireshark TLS

Create an environment variable:

  • Value: C:\Users\<USER>\SSLKeys\sslkeylog.log

Start a Wireshark session. In Chrome, navigate the desired site.

In Wireshark > Preferences > Protocols > TLS, add set the (Pre)-Master-Secret log filename.

Filter the traffic:

frame contains "api.bank.local"

