An easy way to fine-tune Wav2Vec 2.0 for low-resource languages.
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/Edresson/Wav2Vec-Wrapper
pip3 install -r requeriments.txt
Install Flashlight dependencies to use KenLM
Use Docker:
In the Wav2Vec-Wrapper repository execute:
nvidia-docker build ./ -t huggingface_flashlight
Now see the id of the docker image you just created:
docker images
Using the IMAGE_ID run the command:
nvidia-docker run --runtime=nvidia -v ~/:/mnt/ --rm --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 --name wav2vec-wrapper -it IMAGE_ID bash
Manually Instalation:
Please see the Flashlight documentation here
You can easily run inference on a folder of wav files by runing:
python3 test.py --config_path ./example/config_eval.json --checkpoint_path_or_name facebook/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53-french --audio_path ../wavs/ --no_kenlm
To run inference with a KenLM language model, you need to specify the apppropriate paths in the config file and remove the --no_kenlm
To generate the lexicon.lst
file, you can use the ./utils/generate-vocab.ipynb
notebook on your corpus.