
A docker image for pipeline validation and application with terraform projects


tfd is an in-house golang project that wraps Terraform validation projects (listed below) to add some helpful features, such as recursive validation with specified exceptions as well as wrapping the Terraform CLI to allow programmatic plans and application of infrastructure resources.

A Fast and Flexible tool for pipeline validation and application of Terraform.

  tfd [command]

Available Commands:
  deploy      deploys a terraform directory
  help        Help about any command
  validate    validates a terraform directory recursively

      --config string      config file (default is $HOME/.tfd.yaml)
  -h, --help               help for tfd
  -v, --verbosity string   Verbosity in logging level. E.g. Info, Warn, Debug. (default "Info")

Use "tfd [command] --help" for more information about a command.


This command recursively validates a terraform directory
using terraform-docs, terraform fmt, tflint, and tfsec

  tfd validate [flags]
  tfd validate [command]

Available Commands:
  tfdoc       validates a terraform directory recursively with terraform-docs
  tffmt       validates a terraform directory recursively with tffmt
  tflint      validates a terraform directory recursively with tflint
  tfsec       validates a terraform directory recursively with tfsec

  -h, --help   help for validate

Global Flags:
      --config string      config file (default is $HOME/.tfd.yaml)
  -v, --verbosity string   Verbosity in logging level. E.g. Info, Warn, Debug. (default "Info")

Use "tfd validate [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This command executes Terraform commands to deploy infrastructure.

  tfd deploy [flags]

  -a, --action string      Action you wish to execute in the path. (default "plan")
      --auto-apply         Whether running in pipeline or not.
  -f, --fresh              Whether to pass --upgrade=true to tf.Init() or not.
  -h, --help               help for deploy
  -p, --path string        Path to the directory you wish to deploy.
  -w, --workspace string   Workspace/Environment you wish to deploy.

Global Flags:
      --config string      config file (default is $HOME/.tfd.yaml)
  -v, --verbosity string   Verbosity in logging level. E.g. Info, Warn, Debug. (default "Info")


tfd uses viper to allow configuration by file (default is $HOME/.tfd.yaml), environmental variables, or Global Flags (cobra and viper bindings).

All environmental variable keys are case sensitive and prefixed by TFD_

Name Type Supported Values Default Flags Value Case Sensitive
LOGLEVEL string trace, debug, warn, info info -v --verbosity false
AUTOAPPLY bool true, false false --auto-apply false
ACTION string init, plan, apply plan -a, --action false
PATH string any valid filepath "" -p, --path false
WORKSPACE string any valid workspace "" -w, --workspace false
FRESH bool true, false false -f, --fresh false


TFLint can be used for static code analysis to catch syntactical and some provider related errors.


TFSec can be used for static code analysis to assist in meeting security standards. It can also be extended with custom rules.


Terraform fmt can be leveraged to identify terraform files that need to be formatted.


Terraform-docs can generate terraform documentation automatically. We are able to detect documentation drift by comparing existing docs with freshly generated ones.


This project gets automatically checked by Hadolint for dockerfile standards and go test on each docker build.