
Simple opinionated PHP 8.1 enum helper for Laravel

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Laravel Enum Helper

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This is an extension of the datomatic/enum-helper package based on Laravel Framework. The package consists on a LaravelEnumHelper trait that extends EnumHelper (EnumInvokable, EnumFroms, EnumNames, EnumValues, EnumEquality) and add dynamic methods to return a translation or "property" method and relative helper methods.

You can think about it as an EnumDescription trait but completely dynamic.

So you can define a custom method and have these functions available: [method]s(), [method]sByName(), [method]sByValue(), [method]sAsSelect(). For example with color() you obtain colors(), colorsByName(), colorsByValue(), colorsAsSelect() methods.

The cool thing is you can also avoid writing the method and write only the translations. For example, you can define the property excerpt by writing the translations on enums.php (see below for explanation) and obtain excerpt(), excerpts(), excerptsByName(), excerptsByValue(), excerptsAsSelect() methods.

The package use the Laravel Pluralizer component to get the singular method to call or to translate.

If you are using Laravel Nova you can see the Laravel Nova Enum Field

The enum-helper base package summary

You should see the datomatic/enum-helper details on his repository, this is a summary:

  • Invokable cases: get the value of enum "invoking" it statically
  • Construct enum by name or value: from(), tryFrom(), fromName(), tryFromName() for all enums
  • Enums Equality: is(), isNot(), in(), notIn() methods
  • Names: methods to have a list of case names (names(), namesByValue(), namesAsSelect())
  • Values: methods to have a list of case values (values(), valuesByName())
  • Unique ID: get an unique identifier from instance or instance from identifier (uniqueId(), fromUniqueId())
  • Descriptions & Translations: add description to enum with optional translation (description(),descriptions(),descriptionsByName(),descriptionsByValue(),descriptionsAsSelect())


Laravel 8 or above and PHP 8.1+ are required.

composer require datomatic/laravel-enum-helper


You can use this functionality simply using the LaravelEnumHelper trait.

use Datomatic\LaravelEnumHelper\LaravelEnumHelper;

// Pure enum 
enum Status
    use LaravelEnumHelper;

    case PENDING;
    case ACCEPTED;
    case DISCARDED;
    case NO_RESPONSE;

    public function color(): string
        return match ($this) {
            self::PENDING => '#000000',
            self::ACCEPTED => '#0000FF',
            self::DISCARDED => '#FF0000',
            self::NO_RESPONSE => '#FFFFFF',

// BackedEnum
enum StatusString
    use LaravelEnumHelper;

    case PENDING = 'P';
    case ACCEPTED = 'A';
    case DISCARDED = 'D';
    case NO_RESPONSE = 'N';
    // or public function color(?string $lang = null): string
    public function color(): string

After that you can define a custom "property" method like color() or color(?string $lang = null) or define the translations instead.


Using this trait there is 2 way to manage translation strings.

Using Short Keys

Language strings may be stored in enums.php files within the lang directory. Within this directory, there may be subdirectories for each language supported by the application.


All language files return an array of keyed strings. The array has 3 levels:

  • first level key: the complete class name of the enum
  • second level key: the name of the property to translate
  • third level key: the name/value of the enum case.

The default property is description so if you use only that property you can use just a 2 level array.

// /lang/it/enums.php

return [
    // If you need to translate just the description property
    Status::class => [
        Status::PENDING() => 'In attesa', // using invokable trait functionality
        'ACCEPTED' => 'Accettato', // using the name of pure enum case
        'DISCARDED' => 'Rifiutato',
        'NO_RESPONSE' => 'Nessuna Risposta',
     // If you need to translate multiple properties (e.g. description, excerpt)
    StatusString::class => [
        'description' => [ // using invokable trait functionality
            StatusString::PENDING() => 'In attesa',
            StatusString::ACCEPTED() => 'Accettato',
        'excerpt' => [ // using the value of BackedEnum case
            "P" => 'In attesa',
            "A" => 'Accettato',

Using Translation Strings As Keys

Language strings are stored as JSON files in the lang directory (e.g. lang/it.json). In this example the description property is translated:

  "enums.Namespace\\StatusString.description.P": "In attesa",

But if you want to use this way, you can simply define the method on Enum class like this description method.

public function description(?string $lang = null): string
    return match ($this) {
        self::PENDING => __('Await decision', $lang),
        self::ACCEPTED => __('Recognized valid', $lang),
        self::DISCARDED => __('No longer useful', $lang),
        self::NO_RESPONSE => __('No response', $lang),

[property]() method

This dynamic method try to resolve property() method on the enum.
If the method not exist try to translate the instance value with the framework translation function __("enums.Namespace\EnumClass.property.CASE_NAME").
In case the translation not exist throw an TranslationMissing exception.

static [property]s() method

This dynamic method gets a list of case property() returns of the enum. The name of the method is the plural of the property so if you are using property it will be properties().

StatusString::descriptions(); // ['Await decision','Recognized valid','No longer useful','No response']
StatusString::colors(); // ['#000000','#0000FF','#FF0000','#FFFFFF']
// Subset
StatusString::descriptions([StatusString::ACCEPTED, StatusString::NO_RESPONSE]); // ['Recognized valid','No response']
StatusString::colors([StatusString::ACCEPTED, StatusString::NO_RESPONSE]); // ['#0000FF','#FFFFFF']
// Forcing language
Status::descriptions(null, 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['In attesa','Accettato','Rifiutato','Nessuna Risposta']
StatusString::colors(null, 'it'); // ['#000000','#0000FF','#FF0000','#FFFFFF']
// Subset and language 
Status::descriptions([Status::NO_RESPONSE, Status::DISCARDED], 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['Nessuna Risposta', 'Rifiutato']
StatusString::colors([StatusString::ACCEPTED, StatusString::NO_RESPONSE], 'it'); // ['#0000FF','#FFFFFF']

static [property]sByName() method

This dynamic method returns an associative array of [case name => property() result]. The name of the method is the plural of the property so if you are using property it will be propertiesByName().

StatusString::descriptionsByName(); // ['PENDING' => 'Await decision', 'ACCEPTED' => 'Recognized valid',...
StatusString::colorsByName(); // ['PENDING' => '#000000','ACCEPTED' => '#0000FF',...
Status::descriptionsByName(); // ['PENDING' => 'Await decision', 'ACCEPTED' => 'Recognized valid',...
// Subset
StatusString::descriptionsByName([StatusString::DISCARDED, StatusString::ACCEPTED]); // ['DISCARDED' => 'No longer useful', 'ACCEPTED' => 'Recognized valid']
Status::descriptionsByName([[Status::PENDING, Status::DISCARDED]); // ['PENDING' => 'Await decision', 'DISCARDED' => 'No longer useful']
// Forcing language
StatusString::descriptionsByName(null, 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['P' => 'In attesa','A' => 'Accettato',...
// Subset and language 
Status::descriptionsByName([Status::DISCARDED, Status::NO_RESPONSE], 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['DISCARDED' => 'Rifiutato','NO_RESPONSE' => 'Nessuna Risposta',...

static [property]sByValue() method

This dynamic method returns an associative array of [case value => property() result] on BackedEnum, throw NotBackedEnum exception otherwise. The name of the method is the plural of the property so if you are using property it will be propertiesByValue().

StatusString::descriptionsByValue(); // ['P' => 'Await decision', 'A' => 'Recognized valid',...
StatusString::colorsByValue(); // ['P' => '#000000','A' => '#0000FF',...
Status::descriptionsByValue(); // throw `NotBackedEnum` exception
// Subset
StatusString::descriptionsByValue([StatusString::DISCARDED, StatusString::ACCEPTED]); // ['D' => 'No longer useful', 'A' => 'Recognized valid']
StatusString::colorsByValue([[Status::PENDING, Status::DISCARDED]); // ['P' => '#000000', 'D' => '#FF0000']
// Forcing language
StatusString::descriptionsByValue(null, 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['P' => 'In attesa','A' => 'Accettato',...
// Subset and language 
StatusString::descriptionsByValue([StatusString::DISCARDED, StatusString::NO_RESPONSE], 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['D' => 'Rifiutato','N' => 'Nessuna Risposta',...

static [property]sAsSelect() method

This dynamic method returns an associative array of [case value => property() result] on BackedEnum, [case name => property() result] otherwise. The name of the method is the plural of the property so if you are using property it will be propertiesAsSelect().

StatusString::descriptionsAsSelect(); // ['P' => 'Await decision', 'A' => 'Recognized valid',...
StatusString::colorsAsSelect(); // ['P' => '#000000','A' => '#0000FF',...
Status::descriptionsAsSelect(); // ['PENDING' => 'Await decision', 'ACCEPTED' => 'Recognized valid',...
// Subset
Status::descriptionsAsSelect([Status::PENDING, Status::DISCARDED]); // ['PENDING' => 'Await decision', 'DISCARDED' => 'No longer useful']
StatusString::colorsAsSelect([StatusString::PENDING, StatusString::DISCARDED]); // ['P' => '#000000', 'D' => '#FF0000']
// Forcing language
StatusString::descriptionsAsSelect(null, 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['P' => 'In attesa','A' => 'Accettato',...
Status::descriptionsAsSelect(null, 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['PENDING' => 'In attesa', 'ACCEPTED' => 'Accettato',...
// Subset and language 
Status::descriptionsAsSelect([Status::DISCARDED, Status::NO_RESPONSE], 'it'); // 🇮🇹 ['DISCARDED' => 'Rifiutato','NO_RESPONSE' => 'Nessuna Risposta',...

Laravel Nova Enum Field

If you are using Laravel Nova Administrator Panel you can use a package to support the enum-helper or/and laravel-enum-helper.
This package adds the PHP 8.1 enum, EnumDescription and LaravelEnumHelper traits support to Nova, with a Nova Select and Nova Boolean filters ready out of the box.

Package: datomatic/nova-enum-field