An easy to use Batch Script for downloading Audio and Video using yt-dlp.

Primary LanguageBatchfile



An easy to use Batch Script for downloading Audio and Video using yt-dlp.



  1. Download the latest code or a release
  2. Run ytBATCH.bat in the provided folder
  3. A prompt appears asking to install ytBATCH.
    • Yes: Install ytBATCH to AppData and generate shortcuts
    • No: Keep ytBATCH as a portable program
  4. Wait for yt-dlp.exe and ffmpeg.exe to download
  5. Done


  1. Open ytBATCH.bat or the shortcut on the Desktop / Start Menu
  2. Paste Link
  3. Select an option
    • Audio: Download Audio
    • Video: Download Video (when available)
    • List All: List all available formats
    • Change Format: Show a menu to change the Audio/Video format
    • Add to Queue: Add the link to the queue instead of downloading it directly
    • Playlist: Download the whole playlist
    • Subtitles: Download Video subtitles
    • Cookies: Use Cookies.txt (when available)
    • Add Custom Options: Add custom yt-dlp parameters
  4. Start Download (If Change Format is TRUE, choose format first)
  5. Output is Downloads/ytBATCH (can be changed)


  1. Paste Link
  2. Set Add to Queue to TRUE
  3. Select Video/Audio/List All Formatsand File Extension
  4. Press Q to start Queue.
  5. Add more Links to the Queue while downloading, when wanted
  6. When all downloads are finished, Queue closes