333 # PWC-WEB
Web home for Prothro Wilhelmi and Company
- Change employees.yml or photos.yml as needed
- Place images in appropriate locations in app/images
- run
rake db:reset
Deployments are performed via pushes to Heroku git remotes.
Add the snippet below to your .git/config
file to set up remotes for easy git
deploys and heroku
command execution.
remote = stage
[remote "stage"]
url = https://git.heroku.com/pwc-staging.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*
[remote "prod"]
url = https://git.heroku.com/pwc-production.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*
- place images in import/staff
horizontal are 500x333 (3:2) vertical are 375x500 (3:4) need 3 of same orientation/size per gallery row
take into photos app and crop to 3:2 or 4:3 then copy to import directory and mogrify imageoptim then move into asset location
force width 500
mogrify -quality 90 -resize 500 *.jpg
force height 375
mogrify -quality 90 -resize 375 *.jpg
force height
mogrify -quality 90 -resize x333 *.jpg
force horizontal (crop center)
mogrify -quality 90 -resize 500x333^ -gravity Center -crop 500x333+0+0 *.jpg
force horizontal (crop bottom out)
mogrify -quality 90 -resize 500x333^ -crop 500x333+0+0 *.jpg
force horizontal (crop top out)
mogrify -quality 90 -resize 500x333^ -gravity South -crop 500x333+0+0 *.jpg
force vertical (crop bottom out)
mogrify -quality 90 -resize 375x500^ -crop 375x500+0+0 *.jpg
force vertical (crop center)
mogrify -quality 90 -geometry 500x375^ -gravity center -crop 500x375+0+0 -auto-orient *.jpg
mogrify -quality 90 -resize 300x375^ -crop 300x375 tom.jpg
convert test.jpg -resize x333 -quality 90 -background '#9a8b7a' -gravity center -extent 500x333 test.jpg
convert test.jpg -resize 300 -quality 100 -background '#675b4d' -gravity center -extent 300x376 test.jpg