
How do you upload a photo to work with it?

raul2297 opened this issue · 4 comments

NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
12 text = translator.translate(text, dest='en').text
13 if upload_image:
---> 14 uploaded = files.upload()

NameError: name 'files' is not defined

  1. please mention the notebook or script, which gave the error - it's not always obvious, there are few of them in the repo.
  2. it seems you didn't run "General setup" cell. It must precede any other command, and should be run again after every runtime restart.

please describe exact steps which have led to this (pressed buttons, typed entries, loaded files, selected options, etc.).
i cannot reproduce it on my side.

i presume you solved this (most probably just missed loading image with temporary button - that's a drawback of colab pipeline), so closing the issue. feel free to reopen it (with supplying more details), if the problem persists.