
Belly Button Biodiversity Visulatization

Belly Button Biodiversity Showcase
(Image captured from

The task for this challenge is to use the D3 library with plotly.js and html to build an interactive dashboard to explore the Belly Button Biodiversity dataset. This dataset catalogs the microbes that colonize human navels and reveals that a small handful of microbial species (also called operational taxonomic units, or OTUs, in the study) were present in more than 70% of people, while the rest were relatively rare.

We use the D3 library to read in samples.json from, then build our app using javascript with plotly.js, then deploy our app to the free static page hosting service provided by GitHub Pages.


Hulcr, J. et al. (2012) A Jungle in There: Bacteria in Belly Buttons are Highly Diverse, but Predictable. Retrieved from: to an external site.