
flood - Comfortable, powerful and tiny logging library for Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon LispOtherNOASSERTION

flood - powerful, leightweight logging library for common lisp

Dependencies are "usocket", "cl", "swank", "cl-smtp", "cl-who", bordeaux-threads", "cffi", "lparallel" and for testing "optima", "cl-ppcre" and "trivial-features".

This library is thread safe and enables you to log in threads.

To load and use this library, cd into the "src/" directory, start your lisp (testet on sbcl, ecl, ccl) and execute:

 (asdf:load-system :flood)

If you would like to see and run some examples cd into the "src/" directory, start you lisp and execute:

 (asdf:load-system :flood-example)


Try the following:

;; Start with default logger. Configured with conf/flood.conf
;; Three simple function make up the core logging facility
(let ((name "Edward")
      (level 3))
;; just type variables into the places you want them to be
(wrn "Hello " name "! Warning-level: " level)
(inf "Hello " name "! Warning-level: " level)
(dbg "Hello " name "! Warning-level: " level)

;; trace demo function 'squares' and send ouput to 
;; error-writer and file-writer. Use ascii-formatter.
(trace-fn 'squares "Trace fn ")

;; trigger tracing
(squares 2)
(squares 4)
(squares 8)

;; cleanup and reset to old fn
(untrace-fn 'squares)

;; create a custom logger with a socket-writer and a new template-string
;; uncomment socket-writer only if you want to behave as client
(setq lg (make-logger :writers (list 
				  :formatter #'ascii-formatter<br>
				  :template "[$MACHINE-TYPE]-$TIME-[$LEVEL]-$MESSAGE"))
;; First output with
(dbg lg "Testing new format template.")

;; stack-trace
(let ((stack-depth 4))
    ;; log stack trace with depth 4
    (stack :inf stack-depth 
         "Stack-trace depth: " stack-depth "~%"))

;; Log memory usage
(capture :inf #'room "Memory output:~%")

;; Load shell command output
(sys :inf "ps -e | grep sbcl" "Calling shell-command and log output...~%"))


These are the API functions and vars:
(defpackage :flood
  (:use #:cl #:bordeaux-threads #:async-syntax)
  ;; All Flood library functions


The following writers are available:
file-writer - writes file with name in configuration specified
standard-writer - writes log output to stdout
error-writer - writes log output to stderr
socket-writer - writes log to host in configuration specified 
rotating-log-writer - writes a logfile with day-string in logfilename
email-writer - writes every log entry as email (not successfully tested yet. Still pain in cl-smtp)
html-writer - writes into html file in configuration specified
xml-writer - writes to xml file in configuration specified 


The following formatters are available:
ascii-formatter - plain ascii format within template
one-to-one-formatter - plain ascii format without templatE
html-formatter - html-format
xml-formatter - xml-format 

Template parameter

These are available template parameter:
$DATE ;; current date
$TIME ;; current time
$LEVEL ;; log level
$MACHINE-INSTANCE ;; machine name
$MACHINE-TYPE ;; current platform
$MACHINE-VERSION ;; version string
$SOFTWARE-TYPE ;; operating system
$SOFTWARE-VERSION ;; operating system version
$MESSAGE" ;; the log message itself

You can get the history of all logs and filter it:

;; get history

;; filter all warning logs - you can use regular expressions for the scan command in cl-ppcre
(filter "WRN")

The configuration file can be found in the "conf/" directory. flood looks for "../conf" when you start at "src/" or "bin/" when you compiled a program.