
A simple implementation for Bitcoin using Ruby (for demonstration reasons)

Primary LanguageRuby

Bitcoin On Ruby

This is a simple Ruby implementation for bitcoin and blockchain main features:

  • Blocks
  • Proof of Work

The original paper for Satoshi Nakamoto describing the blockchain could be found http://nakamotoinstitute.org/bitcoin/


  • We can simplify model of it as a Linked List, each node of the List is what we call a Block. Each Block is a stupid struct with the usual previous/next pointers and a body comprised of a tree-like structure (a Merkle Tree, to be more exact).

  • The catch is that each block has the hash signature of the previous block, thus creating a secure "chain". Hence "block-chain"

  • We use ProofOfWork#run to calculate the hash and nonce of each block


b0 = Block.first( "Genesis" )
b1 = Block.next( b0, "Transaction Data..." )
b2 = Block.next( b1, "Transaction Data......" )
b3 = Block.next( b2, "More Transaction Data..." )

blockchain = [b0, b1, b2, b3]

pp blockchain