
Zero-knowledge proofs for your Python scripts.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Zero-knowledge proofs for your Python scripts.

Proof example

Verification example image from risc0.verify.eqtylab.io (github repo)


Generate a zero-knowledge proof for a python script

pyzero my_script.py

Generate a zero-knowledge proof for a python script that takes some command line arguments

pyzero my_script.py -- arg1 arg2

Generate a zero-knowledge proof for a python script with lines 1-5 and 7 of the code redacted

pyzero my_script.py --code-redactions '1-5,7'

Generate a zero-knowledge proof for a python script with the first argument redacted

pyzero my_script.py --arg-redactions '0' -- arg1 arg2

Test a python script without generating a proof

pyzero --dryrun my_script.py

Verify a proof generated by pyzero

pyzero-verify my-proof.bin



Usage: pyzero [OPTIONS] <PYTHON_FILE> [-- [PYTHON_ARGS]...]

  <PYTHON_FILE>     Python code file to run
  [PYTHON_ARGS]...  Python code arguments (sys.argv[..])

  -c, --code-redactions <CODE_REDACTIONS>
          Code redactions list (example: "5,7-8")
  -a, --arg-redactions <ARG_REDACTIONS>
          Arg redactions list (example: "1,2")
  -p, --proof <PROOF_PATH>
          Proof file destination [default: proof.bin]
  -r, --receipt <RECEIPT_PATH>
          Receipt file destination. (optional for convenience, receipt is also embedded in proof file)
  -d, --dryrun
          Execute without generating a proof
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version



Usage: pyzero-verify <PROOF_FILE>

  <PROOF_FILE>  Proof file to verify

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version


PyZero can currently only be built using the latest (as of 2/24/2024) pre-release risc0 rust toolchain. After installing cargo-risczero, the required toolchain can be installed by running

cargo risczero install --version 'v2024-02-08.1'

Build pyzero

cargo build --release -p pyzero

Build pyzero with CUDA GPU acceleration

cargo build --release -p pyzero --features cuda

Build pyzero-verify

cargo build --release -p pyzero-verify


Some build commands are provided in the Justfile for convenience, including commands to run CUDA and non-CUDA builds with docker.

Build pyzero (with docker)

just docker-build

Build pyzero with CUDA GPU acceleration (with docker)

just docker-build-cuda

How it works

PyZero is built on top of two existing projects:

A fork of RustPython is compiled to RISC-V and run in the RISC Zero Virtual Machine. This enables using the same RISC Zero guest image for generating and verifying zero-knowledge proofs for multiple programs written in Python.