
my FullStack ALX SE foundation by python

Primary LanguageC

0x00. Python - Hello, World

0. Run Python File
    0-run: Bash script that runs a Python script file saved in the environment variable $PYFILE.

1. Run inline
    1-run_inline: Bash script that runs Python code saved in the environment variable $PYCODE.

2. Hello, print
    2-print.py: Python script that prints exactly "Programming is like building a multilingual puzzle, followed by a new line using the function print.

3. Print integer
    3-print_number.py: Python script that prints the integer stored in the variable number, followed by Battery street, followed by a new line.
    Completion of this source code.

4. Print float
    4-print_float.py: Python script that prints the float stored in the variable number with a precision of two digits.
    Completion of this source code.

5. Print string
    5-print_string.py: Python script that prints a string stored in the variable str three times, then a new line, then the first nine characters contained in str, followed by another new line.
    Completion of this source code.

6. Play with strings
    6-concat.py: Python script that prints Welcome to Holberton School! using the variables str1 = "Holberton" and str2 = "School".
    Completion of this source code.

7. Copy - Cut - Paste
    7-edges.py: Python script that sets three string variables based on the string contained in the variable word as follows:
    word_first_3: Contains the first three letters of the variable word.
    word_last_2: Contains the last two letters of the variable word.
    middle_word: Contains the value of the variable word without the first and last letters.
    Completion of this source code.

8. Create a new sentence
    8-concat_edges.py: Python script that prints object-oriented programming with Python, followed by a new line without creating new variables or string literals.
    Completion of this source code.

9. Easter Egg
    9-easter_egg.py: Python script that prints "The Zen of Python" by Tim Peters, followed by a new line.

10. Linked list cycle
    10-check_cycle.c: C function that checks if a linked list contains a cycle.
    Returns 0 if there is no cycle and 1 if there is.
    Helper files:
        linked_lists.c: C functions handling linked lists for testing 10-check_cycle.c (provided by Holberton School).
        lists.h: Header file containing definitions and prototypes for all types and functions used in linked_lists.c and 10-check_cycle.c.

11. Hello, write
    100-write.py: Python script that prints exactly and that piece of art is useful - Dora Korpar, 2015-10-19, followed by a new line to stderr using the function write from the sys module.
    Exits with a status code of 1.

12. Compile
    101-compile: Python script that compiles a Python script file stored in the environment variable $PYFILE and saves it to an output file $PYFILEc (ex. export PYFILE=my_main.py => output filename: my_main.pyc).

13. ByteCode -> Python #1
    102-magic_calculation.py: Python function matching exactly a bytecode provided by Holberton School.