
一个无需依赖 Latex 的 Latex 风格公式编辑器, 支持用作 Inkscape 插件. Engish trans: inkscape math symbols / formula editor with latex/tex syntax. On LaTex NOT depending

Primary LanguageC#


一个无需依赖 Latex 的 Latex 风格公式编辑器, 支持用作 Inkscape 插件.

Inkscape math symbols / formula editor with latex/tex syntax. Latex Env not required.


Release 下载本工具. 你会得到 extensions.zip 文件, 将其中的内容解压到 Inkscape 的插件目录, 例如 C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions. 使得 mathink.inx 和其它插件的inx 文件同级, 然后重启 Inkscape.

运行 Inkscape, 在菜单中, 选择扩展->Mathink...

第一次点击应用, 会弹出本程序的窗口, 之后在公式编辑框中进行编辑, 再点击应用, 可以将公式粘贴到 Inkscape 的 layer 中. 点击公式的组, 按 alt 左键拖动可以移动到你想要位置.


Download extensions.zip from Release. Unzip files to extensions folder for Inkscape, for me it is C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions. After doing so, mathink.ink will be in the same directory level of other inx files. Relaunch Inkscape.

On Inkscape started, click menu item Extra->Mathink...

For the first time to click Apply, the main window of Mathink will appear. Now type some formula expressions in the first textbox, and click Apply again, you will see the formula is appened to current layer of Inkscape. Click on it, drag it with Alt pressed, move it to anywhere you like.


Inkscape 0.9x is no longer supported. Require >= 1.0


Goto: https://github.com/pluveto/Mathink/releases