
The goal of this library is to interact with a Miro board that has been set up to represent a Bayesian network. We assumed that in Miro, sticky notes represent the network’s nodes, and connectors represent arcs suggesting a causal/influence link. Sticky notes should have text describing the node, and a single tag, indicating the name of the corresponding variable in the database. With this library, you will be able to gather the attributes to lay out the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of the network, which has been collaboratively portrayed in Miro. With all the basic data brought into R, you can formally process a DAG. This includes the ability to further process and train the model in R, and even in other platforms like bnlearn in R, or the various options available in Python or in dedicated applications like Netica. There are functions in this library to do so.


You can install the development version of miro2bayes like so:



To interact with Miro you need your credentials, which can be obtained following this Quickstart directions for your first REST API call. A summary of the steps involved is shown in the Figure below.

The miro2bayes library uses keyring library to keep your credentials safe; so, you will need to register your credentials in your local machine with the function key_set(service="identifier-you-like", username = "user-name-you-like") as described here. Both service and username are required, respectively, as servMiro and user parameters, to get access to Miro with the function getMiro as explained below.

This is a basic example which shows you how to get Bayesian network data from Miro:

miro_data <- getMiro(servMiro = "miro", user = "your-miro-token", 
                     board = tablero_tr)

If you need to find the board id of interest, you could use the function miroBoards. This function queries Miro with the credentials provided and returns a tibble with the data describing the boards available to that user.

miro_boards <- miroBoards(servMiro = "miro", user = "your-miro-token")
miro_boards[, c("name", "id")]

# You could select what yyyou whant this way
board_item <- miro_boards %>%
              filter(str_detect(name, {"target frase"})) %>%
              select(id, name)

Typical Use Cycle

A typical cycle of use would be as illustrated in the Figure. This way you shall have a collection of implied conditional independence relations to discuss the DAG structure. By critical analysis of the DAG you should go back to Miro to solve inconsistencies or further develop the intended causal proposition.

miro_data <- getMiro(servMiro = "miro", user = "your-miro-token", 
                      board = tablero_tr)

A quick check of the network recovered from Miro can be produced with the function miroValidation. The check shows whether the network is indeed a DAG (no cycles present!) and a few numbers describing what was found in Miro: number of nodes, identified variable names, the status of links, and so for.


Once a satisfactory Bayesian network has been produced in Miro, the function miro2DNE is used to produce a .DNE file that can be used in Netica and other dedicated Bayesian network software for training, analysis and prediction.

data_DNE <- miro2DNE(miro_data)

Another option is to feed Miro data into bnlearn with the function miro2bnlearn. Which is done as follows.

netMiro_bnl <- miro2bnlearn(miro_data)

One interesting option you have, once a DAG is available in R is the identification of implied conditional independence patterns. This is done by dagitty, but you can subset them for convenience with miro2bayes. All you have to do is provide the name of one variable to select all implied conditional independence expressions that relate to that variable. The result is displayed as a web-page, to improve formatting and hopefully, usability.

cond_indepOnvar(datos_miro, {variable})