Manager select

A frontend coding challenge solution by Joosep Kõivistik

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

npm test

npm run build

Notes / Possible improvements / Issues

  • I could only spare one evening and morning on this (crazy week and off to a vacation the next). so mostly an MVP rather than all the extra bells and whistles
  • I made it as a manager specific component as specified in the challenge - This way it would be faster to code and review. In real life however, this should be built as a generic reusable "dropdown" component. Also, many elements should be their own separate standalone atomic components which could be used anywhere - fx avatar, the dropdown item.
  • Its responsive but ideally, the mobile behavior should be adressed on its own (either going with native select or adjusting the design accordingly)
  • Adding animations for slide in / out (too short on time to figure out the react approaches)
  • Could be more unit tests but im lacking some react specific knowledge and for the moment, im out of time to research that ;)
  • Note that I have maybe a day of react experience at this point, so most likely issues with:
    • where should different methods / files / entities best be located
    • naming conventions / capital letter / camel case use
    • general file structuring - having so much code in the same file feels odd... might be doing something wrong there
    • life cycle hooks / passing between nested components - looks like way too much bootstrapping? must be a cleaner way.
  • Acceptance criteria fulfilled and tested. additionally:
    • search works both ways (firstName + lastName === lastName + firstName)
    • escape key closes and un-focuses the dropdown
    • endpoint loading and error states
    • loads managers only upon interaction with the dropdown
    • added some fallbacks in case of faulty / missing data (possibly redundant in case were 100% confident in the data... but real life shows thats often not the case)

User story

As a user, I am able to filter managers so I can pick the desired one sketch

Acceptance criteria

  • When user clicks into the input field, he/she sees the full list of managers.

  • The list shows up to 2 managers, the rest can be seen by scrolling inside the list.

  • When user starts typing into the input field, matching results appear in the list.

  • Managers are filtered on both first name and last name.

  • Filtering is case insensitive.

  • Managers are filtered across first name and last name (eg. “tMc” => Harriet McKinnley.)

  • When user confirms the selection with the enter key, the full name of the selected manager is displayed in the input field and the list of available managers hides. (Bonus)

  • User can navigate the list of managers with arrow up and arrow down keys. (Bonus)

  • When the input loses focus, the list of available managers disappears and the entered value is being kept.

  • When the user clicks back into the input field a list of filtered managers by the kept value is shown.