
This is a rewrite of the original Budabot in Python3.

Budabot is an in-game chat-bot for the MMORPG Anarchy Online released by Funcom in 2001.


In its current state, this project is not meant to be used, other than during development.

To install dependencies: pip install -U -r requirements.txt.


To start the bot, run either start.bat or start.sh.

If it is your first time running the bot, or if the config.json file does not exist, it will take you through the configuration wizard to configure the bot. You will need to have a character name that you you want to run the bot as along with the username and password for the account that has that character. If you want to run this bot as an org bot, you will also need the EXACT org name of the org and the character that the bot runs as will need to already be a member of that org.