- alex-schaafGermany
- alex1442Russia
- anders-kiaerTrondheim, Norway, Earth
- aqltrq
- areed145Houston, TX
- berlandEquinor
- clederOomnitza
- dagrhaDenver, CO
- elbeejay
- esalehim@resoptima
- fahaddilib
- fredrocks
- hefnymahETH Zurich
- jessepiselDenver, CO
- JiZur
- josephwinston
- joylin1984
- kjetilbjorkeEquinor ASA
- luca-penasaINAF OAPD
- markusdregiEquinor
- mattbkMinnesota
- mrava87KAUST
- mycartaMyCarta
- nathangeologyAmazon Web Services
- RockyHang
- scuervo91Bogotá
- stevejpurves@curvenote
- thor85@Statoil
- timurhamzin@Yandex-Practicum
- whimianNone
- yalaudah@facebook
- yanfeng1022sinopec petroleum exploration & production research institute
- zachbateman
- zanejobeColorado School of Mines
- zjx632
- zsylvesterBureau of Economic Geology, UT Austin