
policy objects for Ruby on Rails from perspective of current user/account

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Dude Policy

This gem provides a way how to do Ruby on Rails Policy Objects from point of view of current_user/current_account (the dude)

Here are some examples what I mean:

# rails console
article = Article.find(123)
review  = Review.find(123)
current_user = User.find(432) # e.g. Devise or any other authentication solution

# => true

# => true

# => false

# => true

# => false

RSpec examples:

# spec/any_file_spec.rb
RSpec.describe 'short demo' do
  let(:author_user)  { User.create }
  let(:article) { Article.create(author: author_user) }
  let(:different_user)  { User.create }

  # you write tests like this:
  it { expect(author_user.dude.able_to_edit_article?(article)).to be_truthy }

  # or you can take advantage of native `be_` RSpec matcher that converts any questionmark ending method to matcher
  it { expect(author_user.dude).to be_able_to_edit_article(article) }
  it { expect(different_user.dude).not_to be_able_to_edit_article(article) }
  it { expect(author_user.dude).not_to be_able_to_add_article_review(article) }
  it { expect(different_user.dude).to be_able_to_add_article_review(article) }
  it { expect(author_user.dude).not_to be_able_to_delete_review(article) }
  it { expect(different_user.dude).to be_able_to_add_article_review(article) }
  it { expect(author_user.policy).to be_able_to_view_articles? }
  it { expect(author_user.policy).not_to be_able_to_create_articles? }
  context "when paid subscription" do 
    before { author_user.update_attributes(subscription: "paid") }
    it { expect(author_user.policy).to be_able_to_create_articles? }

Policy objects:

# app/policy/article_policy.rb
class ArticlePolicy < DudePolicy::BasePolicy
  def able_to_update_article?(dude:)
    return true if article.author == dude

  def able_to_add_article_review?(dude:)
    return true if article.author != dude


  def article
    resource # delegation defined in DudePolicy::BasePolicy
# app/policy/user_policy.rb
class UserPolicy < DudePolicy::BasePolicy
  def able_to_view_articles?; true; end
  def able_to_create_articles?
    return true if resource.subscription == "paid"

For more examples pls check the example app


Build Status

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dude_policy'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dude_policy


Gem is responsible for Authorization (what a logged in user can/cannot do) For Authentication (is User logged in ?) you will need a different solution / gem (e.g. Devise, custom login solution, ...)

Once you have your Authentication solution implemeted and dude_policy gem installed create a directory app/policy in your Ruby on Rails app.

Note: Since Rails version 4 files in app/anything directories are autoloaded. So no additional magic is needed

There create your policy file:

# app/policy/article_policy
class ArticlePolicy < DudePolicy::BasePolicy
  def able_to_update_article?(dude:)
    return true if dude.admin?
    return true if dude == resource.author

Note: Policy should be name as the model suffixed with word "Policy". So if you have ConstructiveComment model your policy should be named ConstructiveCommentPolicy located in app/policy/constructive_comment_policy.rb

You also need to tell your models what role they play

class Article < ApplicationRecord
  include DudePolicy::HasPolicy  # will add a method `article.policy`

  # ...
class User < ApplicationRecord
  include DudePolicy::IsADude   # will add a method `user.dude`
  include DudePolicy::HasPolicy # will add a method `user.policy`

  # ...

This way you will be able to call:

user = User.find(123)

Note: same model can include both DudePolicy::IsADude and DudePolicy::IsADude but don't have to.

Note: please be sure to check the Philosophy section of this README to fully understand the flow

This way you will be implement it in your application:

protect views

<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_article_path(@article) if current_user.dude.able_to_update_article?(@article) %>

protect controllers

# app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  # ...

  def update
    @article = Article.find_by(params[:id])
    raise(DudePolicy::NotAuthorized) unless current_user.dude.able_to_update_article?(@article)

    if @article.update(article_params)
      redirect_to @article, notice: 'Article was successfully updated.'
      render :edit

gem provides error class DudePolicy::NotAuthorized so you can implement rescue_from logic around not authenticated scenarios. If you have no idea what I'm talking about pls check example application code

protect business logic

There are cases when you want to protect your business logic that is beyond MVC level. For example:

# app/polcy/user_policy.rb
class UserPolicy < DudePolicy::BasePolicy
  def able_to_see_user_full_name?(dude:)
    return true if dude.admin?
    return true if dude == resource

# app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def author_name(user)
  return unless user
  if current_user.dude.able_to_see_user_full_name?(user)
    first_letter = user.name[0]

RSpec testing

policy test

You should be writing tests from perspective of current_user / current_account (the dude) and what roles they play.

If you have 2 roles (admin/regular user) test all policy methods for both roles. If you have 8 roles (admin/moderator/client-manager/external-employee/noob/...) test all policy methods from all eight perspectives.

# spec/policy/article_policy_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe ArticlePolicy do
  let(:article) { create :article, author: author }
  let(:author)  { create :user }

  context 'when nil user' do
    let(:current_user) { nil }

    it { expect(current_user.dude).not_to be_able_to_update_article(article) }
    it { expect(current_user.dude).not_to be_able_to_delete_article(article) }

  context 'when regular_user' do
    let(:current_user) { create :user }

    it { expect(current_user.dude).not_to be_able_to_update_article(article) }
    it { expect(current_user.dude).not_to be_able_to_delete_article(article) }

    context ' is author of article' do
      let(:author) { current_user }
      it { expect(current_user.dude).to be_able_to_update_article(article) }
      it { expect(current_user.dude).to be_able_to_delete_article(article) }

  context 'when admin' do
    let(:current_user) { create :user, admin: true }
    it { expect(current_user.dude).to be_able_to_update_article(article) }
    it { expect(current_user.dude).not_to be_able_to_delete_article(article) }

    context ' is author of article' do
      let(:author) { current_user }
      it { expect(current_user.dude).to be_able_to_update_article(article) }
      it { expect(current_user.dude).to be_able_to_update_article(article) }

note the be_*****() matcher is built in RSpec (no special magic in this gem). It's up to you if you prefere expect(current_user.dude).to be_able_to_update_article(article) or expect(current_user.dude.able_to_update_article?(article)).to be_truthy. Both are valid from point of native RSpec.

Do yourself a favor and don't write low level Unit Tests like expect(ArticlePolicy.new(article)).to be_able_to_update_article(dude: current_user) ! When it comes to policy tests this can lead to huge security disasters (full explanation)

request test

Now that we tested policy for every possible role of a user we can stub the policy. We want to do it on the same interface level as we tested our policies that means allow(current_user.dude).to receive(:able_to_update_article?).and_return(true)

note: simmilar approach we would apply if you write controller RSpec test

require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe "Articles", type: :request do
  let(:article) { create :article }

  describe "put /articles/xxxx" do
    def trigger_update
      if current_user
        # devise login
        sign_in current_user

        # policies are tested with `spec/policy/article_spec.rb so we can stub
          .to receive(:able_to_update_article?)

      put article_path(article), params: {format: :html, article: { title: 'cat' }}

    context 'when not authenticated' do
      let(:current_user) { nil }

      it { expect { trigger_update }.not_to change { article.title } }
      it do
        expect(response.status).to eq 302 # redirect by update
        expect(response.body).to include('You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.')

    context 'when authenticated' do
      let(:current_user) { create :user }

      context 'when not authorized' do
        let(:authorized) { false }

        it { expect { trigger_update }.not_to change { article.title } }
        it do
          expect(response.status).to eq 302 # redirect to root_path by `authenticate!` method is ApplicationController
          expect(response.body).to include('Sorry current user is not authorized to perform this action')

      context 'when authorized' do
        let(:authorized) { true }

        it { expect { trigger_update }.to change { article.title }.from('interesting article').to('cat') }
        it do
          expect(response.status).to eq 302
          expect(response.body).to include('Article was successfully updated.')

More examples

For more examples pls check the example app


I've spent many years and tone of time playing around with different Authorization solutions and philosophies. All boils down to fact that Policy Objects are the best you can implement.

Problem is that although there are decent policy object solutions usually they are not specific enough on implementation strategy and teams/teammates still create a mess.

So here are some core principles and their benefits:

Access policies from model interface methods

By accessing policy from current_account.dude.able_to_do_something?(resource) you'll overcome multiple challenges:

  • less chaos within the team
  • easier for Junior Developers to jump on the project with just basic MVC skill set
  • unified way how to write code and implementation of policies
  • performance - you don't load same objects as they are memoized on model.policy level (check source code)

Stub policy in tests from perspective of current user (current_account.dude)

This may not be an issue if you are using general login solution gems like Devise. But in custom login solutions you may find it difficult to stub underlying resouces in request/controller tests.

By writing everything from user/account perspective allow(current_account.dude).to receive(...) your stubs will have less maintenance headache

Unified naming of policy methods

Your policy objects are just simple Ruby objects so there is no restriction to name your methods in in anything you want.

From experience I highly advise you to name the policy methods as able_to_ + action + resources names


class ProductPolicy < DudePolicy::BasePolicy
  def able_to_delete_product(dude:)

  def able_to_add_product_review_comment(dude:)

class ReviewCommentPolicy < DudePolicy::BasePolicy
  def able_to_delete_review_comment(dude:)

this way you will be able to take advantage of built in RSpec feature and write tests like

it { expect(current_account.dude).to be_able_to_delete_review_comment(review_comment) }

Important thing is that we write policy tests on the model method interface current_account.dude because we expect to stub them in resource/controller test on the same interface.

Avoid writing tests from perspective of resource.policy or NameOfMyPolicy.new(current_account)

Nil is a user too

Once you install gem you may notice that you are able to do nil.dude.can_do_anything? => false and nil.policy.can_do_anything? => false this is a feature not a bug.

Sometimes your application need to deal with nil as current_user and you don't want to have conditions if current_user all over the place. That's why gem implements Null Object Pattern on nil.dude method that returns false all the time

Nothing new

The gem/lib is really tiny. Only dependency is Rails itself. If you want to be vanilla Rails (no external gems) or implement this in other Ruby frameworks (e.g. Sinatra) feel free to copy individual files from the lib directly

The whole gem is just delegator, nil extensions, memoized model methods 1 2 and your Policy Objects.

PolicyObject + model method interface == Dude Policy gem It's not a rocket science.

The important part is the philosophy not the gem !

How it works

Core of the gem is the delegator that flips dependencies (e.g. user.dude)

So you define ArticlePolicy that works with article and you pass dude as a keyword argument:

class ArticlePolicy < DudePolicy::BasePolicy
  def able_to_do_something_on_article?(dude:)
    # `dude' represent the user

...by using include PolicyDude::HasPolicy your model have access to this policy via method article.policy

The model responsible for representing current user (User) is able to access the "flip dependency delegator" by using include PolicyDude::IsADude (e.g user.dude)

This allow us to call method of the argumet resource policy:

user.dude.able_to_do_something_on_article?(article)        ->    article.policy.able_to_do_something_on_article(dude: user)
user.dude.able_to_do_something_on_somethig_else?(product)  ->    product.policy.able_to_do_something_on_somethig_else(dude: user)

So in theory you could access the policy from resource point of view article.policy._____(dude: user) but don't do this as the philosophy is you should write your code from perspective of current_user ( user.dude.____(article) )

model.policy is exposed mainly for debugging level & performance (model level memoization)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/equivalent/dude_policy This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the DudePolicy project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.