
Simple SPA done for a coding challenge.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Bookshelf is an app done for a coding challenge. This is a simple SPA. The aim of the app is to present a browsable and searchable books' index and present the single book's details. The app is done in the javascript with the AngularJS. It is wrapped by a simple django application serving as a data backend. Still, the main focus is the browser client.


You can check out the live demo: https://salty-cliffs-2401.herokuapp.com/

Tech Outline

The app is build with:

  • AngularJS
  • ui-bootstrap
  • angular-ui-router
  • angular-scroll
  • moment.js (+angular-moment)
  • lodash (+ng-lodash)
  • bootstrap-sass
  • font-awesome

The build process of js, templates, sass is handled by Grunt (see: Gruntfile.js for details) -- both for the development and the production.

The stylesheets are build upon customized Bootstrap (see: _app_bootstrap.sass). All components have their own files with partial styles.

The test are written with Karma and Jasmine.

The app is powered with a simple django application. It serves the files and deliver the sample data from the challenge.



To deploy server in development mode you need to install python's dependencies with (the best in virtualenv):

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to at least configure following variables in the environment:

  • DEBUG=True

You need to install javascript dependencies:

npm install

You can build the application with:

grunt development

or run separately the task grunt debug, grunt sass, grunt ngtemplates (e.g. It is more convenient to connect those tasks to the file watchers in the IDE).

Run local server with:

python manage.py runserver

You should find the app at the http://localhost:8000


To deploy server in production mode you need to install python's dependencies with (the best in virtualenv):

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to at least configure following variables in the environment:


You need to install javascript dependencies:

npm install

You can build the application with:

grunt release

(After building the app you can prune the devDependencies)

Before launching server you need to gather static assets with:

python manage.py collectstatic

Run production server with:

gunicorn bookshelf.wsgi -

You should find the app at the http://localhost:8000


To run the test you need to install dependencies with:

npm install

Tests are configured to run in Chrome (but you can change it karma.conf.js to other browser, e.g. Firefox or PhantomJS)

You can run the tests with:

npm test

You can also check the status of the tests at the build server.
