
A PHP login system with 'user' as the default username and '1234' as the default password, using sessions for authentication.

Primary LanguagePHP


This repository contains a simple PHP login system that demonstrates the use of sessions for authentication. The system includes three main components:
♡   Login Page : Users can enter their username and password to log in. The system checks the credentials against a hardcoded username ("user") and password ("1234") for simplicity.
♡   Session Page : A protected page that can only be accessed by logged-in users. If a user tries to access this page without logging in, they are redirected to the login page.
♡   Logout Page : Allows users to log out by destroying the session and redirecting them to the login page.


♡   Uses PHP sessions for user authentication.
♡   Minimalistic design with Bootstrap for styling.
♡   Secure password storage with password hashing (not implemented in this example for simplicity).
♡   Basic error handling for incorrect login credentials.
