
A Python-based program utilizing Tkinter and Matplotlib for statistical analysis and visualization of student scores.

Primary LanguagePython


Students_Scores_Analyzer is a Python application that provides a user-friendly interface using Tkinter. It enables users to input a series of student scores, conducts comprehensive statistical analysis (including mean, median, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and range), and showcases the results both in textual and graphical formats. The program generates a plot illustrating the distribution of scores along with horizontal lines denoting various statistical measures for a quick overview of the dataset's characteristics.




  • Ensure you have Python installed.
  • Install required libraries using pip: pip install tkinter matplotlib

Cloning the Repository:

  • To get started, clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:
    git clone https://github.com/er-hiba/Students_Scores_Analyzer.git

Running the Program:

  • Navigate to the project directory: cd src
  • Execute the Python script: python main.py
  • Input student scores, separated by spaces, in the provided text entry field.
  • Click "Submit" to trigger the analysis.
  • View statistical results and a graphical representation of the data.