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About the fine tune problems
#70 opened by tangkail - 6
FloatingPointError: Predicted boxes or scores contain Inf/NaN. Training has diverged.
#37 opened by xiaohei1001 - 0
RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device
#74 opened by 75391fwh - 5
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How to used in the customer dataset?
#43 opened by jo-dean - 0
fine-tuning on my cutsomized dataset
#72 opened by sea190 - 1
About PCB module
#29 opened by liaorongfan - 1
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#57 opened by Zhengzkang - 2
cuda version
#69 opened by lyxdlut - 1 error: unrecognized arguments: --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS /public/home/jd_fky/project/DeFRCN/data/ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl OUTPUT_DIR checkpoints/coco/defrcn/defrcn_det_r101_base 3 I don't know why running causes this problem
#71 opened by fky07 - 2
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Why TFA links point to cvpods?
#50 opened by IceHowe - 2
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argument 'alpha' must be Number, not NoneType
#56 opened by Yxt1212 - 6
AssertionError: Checkpoint checkpoints/voc/mydefrcn/defrcn_det_r101_base1/model_reset_remove.pth not found!
#58 opened by yewanzhuo - 2
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the code to find the similarity
#36 opened by liliwannian - 3
Importance of w,w/o FPN in DeFRCN
#26 opened by buncybunny - 4
Question about ground truth boxes which are used in training and PrototypicalCalibrationBlock
#54 opened by leesb7426 - 9
Unable to reproduce the results
#35 opened by fenghuo-cao - 0
Why the different number of images on inference?
#59 opened by ZhiXianZ - 0
running Inference on model
#66 opened by suryasid09 - 1
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Guide on Fine Tuning
#62 opened by suryasid09 - 0
Where is pascal VOC metasplit located?
#64 opened by suryasid09 - 3
how can I get detection results?
#39 opened by binyisu - 1
Help with multi-GPU training in Google Colab
#61 opened by suryasid09 - 1
How to reproduce the results in Figure4(b)?
#60 opened by ry-jojo - 0
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RuntimeError: The server socket has failed to listen on any local network address. The server socket has failed to bind to [::]:50153 (errno: 98 - Address already in use). The server socket has failed to bind to ?UNKNOWN? (errno: 98 - Address already in use).
#45 opened by MALLI7622 - 0
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The training paradigm seems is quite different from TFA & FSCE etc. classic FSOD method.
#51 opened by RuoyuChen10 - 0
Results of the VOC dataset
#48 opened by Stlve - 0
purpose of the 'class dropout'
#47 opened by mandal4 - 0
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Difference Between ’Remove‘ and ’Randinit‘
#41 opened by xiaohei1001 - 0
ablation experiment 消融实验
#40 opened by liliwannian - 0
When using other pretrained ResNet backbone to train DeFRCN, the performance of novel classes few-shot detection drops a lot
#38 opened by miznchimaki - 2
#27 opened by alphacyp - 3
problem in Running novels
#28 opened by salehnia - 4
AssertionError: Checkpoint checkpoints/voc/defrcn/defrcn_det_r101_base3/model_reset_surgery.pth not found
#25 opened by zhengfang1997 - 2
#30 opened by liliwannian - 1
could you share the checkpoint files?
#31 opened by mandal4 - 1
Question about Figure 4 in the Paper
#33 opened by michaelku1 - 1
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The weight of Affine Matrix
#32 opened by MartinYYYYan